Chapter 7: Champagne and Scandal

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Evening fell over the city, and with the stars came a stream of glitterati into the Sterling Hotel. The hotel ballroom shimmered with glass bowls of punch, endless trays of food from fruit salad to German chocolate cake, an ice sculpture of a cupid, and a multitude of white-clothed tables.

I stood by the massive staircase that spilled onto the marble floors of the ballroom. I watched as a multitude of celebrities, billionaires, athletes, politicians, and other people I had only seen in magazines chattering before me. Paparazzi dotted the room in snaps of camera flashes.

My eyes scanned the place for Rose, until I found her standing by the ice sculpture. She was stunning as always, wearing a long bare-back dress made of silk the color of violet. It draped elegantly over her beautiful figure, falling to her sparkling silver high heels. A white fur shawl draped on her shoulders. Her neck, face, and hands were adorned with diamond jewelry so she glimmered and sparkled.

A goddess who wears the stars  I thought to myself.

Suddenly her eyes moved away from the gentlemen she was speaking to, and looked in my direction. I knew to approach her before I could even stop my feet.

"Do you need something, mistress?" I asked.

She gestured to the two older gentlemen. "Mr. Pierce and Mr. Jackson would both like some champagne. And I could use a refill."

"Of course, madam" I said, taking her glass and approaching the food table. I poured two glasses of champagne and refilled Rose's glass. I was filled with memories of when I first encountered her back at Montgomery's. It had only been yesterday. So much had happened over the course of twenty-four hours. How strange.

I returned the beverages to Rose and her two friends. She shot me a small smile over the rim of her glass. Warmth spread through me. It felt nice to please her. It felt nice to make such a magnificent woman happy.

For several minutes I wondered about the place, occasionally fetching drinks for other guests who must have seen my uniform and knew I was serving. As I returned to the refreshments table, I suddenly felt the noise behind me intensify. I turned around.

All the guests had formed a circle in the center of the room. My stomach dropped, and I quickly rushed over, pushing through the crowd of people. Then I saw them. Rose, standing there.

With Tristen Grey.

"What do you mean we're done?" he boomed, veins popping in his manly neck. "You can't end our relationship"

"I believe I can, Mr. Grey" she said calmly. Even when face to face with a powerful rage beast like Tristen Grey, she still maintained class and elegant confidence. What a woman.

"We've been together for six months" he said. "I was about to make you Mrs. Grey. I'd give you everything you ever wanted and you'd never have to work a day!"

"I'm quite proud of my work. I'm proud of the fortune I have accumulated on my own. I do not need another billionaire to pamper me like a princess. I'm not a princess. I'm a queen, and I pamper myself. But you don't seem to understand that, Tristen. I'm not a woman you can seduce with money. I have my own money. And I believe it's best we split."

Tristen's face was like a boiling pot of water. It turned red hot, and he balled his large fists at his side.

"You stupid whore!" he yelled.

In one swift motion, he sent his palm flying towards her. There was a loud smack and her head whipped to the side. Everyone in the room silently gasped. The paparazzi cameras went mad.

I felt a jump deep in my chest. I wanted to run over to her, comfort her, defend her. If I wasn't such a skinny wimp I would've beaten Tristen to a pulp.

But before I could do any of those things, Rose calmly turned her head to face Tristen again. There was a red slab where his hand hit on her cheek. She stared at him, and suddenly all the heat drained from Tristen's face. He realized what he'd just done, in front of everyone.

Rose lifted a hand gently to her cheek. She did not cry, or show any emotion, but I could see her blue eyes glazed over with something.

"Mr. Grey" she said politely, firmly. "I think it would be best if you left."

Tristen stood shocked for a moment, then slowly backed his way out of the circle of people. Once he was far enough, he turned around and burst out the hotel doors. A flood of paparazzi and guests streamed after him.

The ballroom was left empty. Only me and the Ice Queen.

Rose took out a handkerchief and held it to her red cheek. She glanced down to the floor with her eyes closed. I couldn't tell whether or not she was holding back tears.

"Mistress" I said gently. I walked slowly towards her. "Are you alright?"

She didn't respond. She hurried towards the staircase up to the elevator, her high heels clicking on the marble.

I followed her.

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