Chapter 6: Suit and Tie

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My uniform was certainly one of the most expensive things I'd ever worn. The black tailcoat alone probably cost more than my entire closet times fifty. A white silk shirt, a sleek black tie, tight white gloves, shiny black shoes, and even cufflinks made from what was undeniably real silver.

I stood in front of a standing mirror in Rose's penthouse, trying futilely to straighten my tie. I hadn't worn a suit like this in forever. My uniform at Montgomery's had just been black dress pants and a waistcoat over a white shirt. I felt fancier just wearing it, and like I should be sporting a British accent and checking in on Master Wayne.

"Need help with that tie?"

A voice whispered in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. Rose suddenly appeared in the mirror behind me, her hands on my shoulders.

"My apologies, Miss Delacourt" I said. "Back at Montgomery's we had bow ties. I haven't worn a tie like this in some time."

"Let me assist you"

Without my response, she turned me around and her hands reached for my throat. As she did I felt a rush of threat, mixed with something hotter.

Her elegant fingers curled around the knot, and pushed it up to my collar. It tightened firmly, I swore I couldn't breathe for a moment. I let out a small grunt as she briefly choked me.

"Now you look handsome enough" she said, releasing me.

"Thank you, Miss Delacourt"

She nodded, then sauntered over to one of the white leather chairs by the fireplace.

"Since this is your first day, I should explain some guidelines" she said. "I have emailed you your work schedule, which I have adjusted to fit with your university schedule. You must arrive here at seven, and have the apartment spotless by the time I return from work at around ten. That should be more than enough time. Your chores include cleaning every surface, the floors, doing laundry, washing dishes and anything else of that sort. I usually go out to dinner, but I may ask you to prepare a meal if otherwise. You are not to leave until I come home and give you permission."

"Yes, Miss Delacourt"

"Another thing. You are to address me as mistress, not Miss Delacourt."

I cocked an eyebrow. "Why?"

She shot me a look. It was calm, not obviously threatening, but with the most subtle iciness that was powerful enough to make me shiver.

"I have made billions from one simple thing, Thomas" she said. She stood up and began slowly walking towards me. "I demand what I want. I demand respect. I demand my workers give me better than their best. I have made a fortune from being a ruthless bitch. And I always want to be reminded of that power."

She stood right in front of me, her blue eyes penetrating deep into me. Her words made me shrivel with fear. But underneath the coldness of her gaze I could feel something else inside me, like she'd cast a spell on me. A vigorous heat that burn within me, making me want her and want to please her more than anything I have ever wanted.

"Yes, mistress" I said.

She smirked, and ran her thumb on my cheek.

"Good boy" she said. She turned around and returned to her seat. "I just have one more rule" she pointed to a pair of white doors down the hall. "Do not  go into that room. Under any circumstances."

"Why not?"

"It's private" her voice was laced with ice, and the message was clear. That room was a definite no go.

"So, what would you like me to do first?" I asked.

"Your first assignment will be tonight down in the hotel ballroom. I'm throwing a banquet with some clients and associates. All you'll have to do is be present in case I need anything." She looked over at me. "Can you do that?"

I laced my fingers and nodded. "Yes, mistress"

The Billionairess (The Billionairess, #1)Where stories live. Discover now