Someone, Somewhere

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I grab my sweater as I hear the house door open, I hear Cindy and my mom's voice downstairs talking. I head downstairs and see Cindy.

"Hey Cindy," I say.

"Hey Roni,"

We go up to my room and I go into my closet, I grab the present I got for her. I turn around to find Cindy standing there with a present in her hands.

"Here," I laugh.

We hand each other the gifts and we sit down on my bed.

We open the gifts.

"Awh Roni!" Cindy holds up the candy's and poster.

"I knew you'd like the poster," I grin.

"Cindy! What! You got this!! I love you so much!!" I screech as I hold up the polaroid camera.

"You're welcome," She grins. "Check inside,"

I open up the box to find a little bag of condoms.

"Cindy," I laugh.

"I knew you'd need them," She winks.

"Don't worry," I open my night stand drawer to show her my collection. "They've been put to use before Ben left,"

".....Here? On your bed?" Cindy gets grossed out.

"Well yeah, we're not going to do it on the floor," I laugh.

"I.... Hope you changed the sheets before I sat on your bed," Cindy gives me this disgusted look.

"Of course I did," I lie, grinning.

"Ew Roni! Change them," Cindy laughs, getting off my bed.

"Okay okay," I laugh.

I grab a new pair of sheets and take the old sheets on my bed.

"Do you mind putting these in the wash?" I ask her.

"Uh, no," Cindy looks at me, grinning.

"Such germaphobe," I laugh, walking out of my room.

"Hey! I'm sorry I don't want yours and Ben's sex juices touching me!" Cindy shouts.

"We didn't make that much a mess," I walk back into my room.

"I wasn't there so I just want to be safe," She laughs.

I make the bed and look at her.

"There, are you happy?"

"Very," She sits back down.

I throw my hair into a bun and sit down with Cindy.

"Do you want to do face masks?" I ask.


I grab my face mask packs and throw one to her. We apply them onto our faces and wait.

We head downstairs and sit down in front of the lit christmas tree and the tv. We turn on Friends and wait.

"So where do you see yourself with Ben in the future?" Cindy asks.

"Well, I can see us together," I laugh.

"I mean like, in the far future, maybe say, five years from now,"

"Well I'll be twenty two, and he'll be twenty four, so I'm hoping married, if we last that long," I say. "I think him and I could last that long,"

"I think you two could as well, you seem very happy with Ben, more happy than you've ever been,"

"I am, he makes me so happy, I can't explain, he just.. Drives me crazy, there's nothing I wouldn't do for him, to see him smile," I smile, just thinking of him.

"I'm so happy you found someone who makes you this happy," Cindy wraps her arm around me and squeezes me.

"So how are you and your man," I laugh.

"We didn't work out, we weren't exactly faithful to each other," Cindy says.

"Awh, I'm sorry, hopefully you will find someone who will be faithful, why weren't you faithful to him?"

"Because I didn't think he deserved me,"

"So just break up with him,"

"Man fuck no, did you see him?!" Cindy makes a drooling face.

"No, but I'm sure he was attractive," I laugh.

"Oh was he ever! I'll miss his dick," Cindy says seriously.

I just burst out laughing.

"That's a weird thing to say but okay," I laugh.

My timer goes off and we take the masks off. We wash our faces and go back to watching tv.

"Do you want hot chocolate?" I ask.


I go into the kitchen and turn on the kettle. I look outside to see it snowing.

Ben's been gone for four days, he gets home in three days, and I can't wait. It's been quiet for me without him.

I dump some hot chocolate powder into two cups and pour some milk in, and stirred it.

The kettle goes off and I pour the water into the mixture.

I mix them and walk back over to Cindy.


For the rest of the night we talk and watch tv.

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