Here I Am

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"Chug! chug! chug! chug! chug!"

What's that you ask? Oh just the sound of people cheering for me to chug down a half bottle of vodka.

I continue chugging, it burns my throat but I keep going.

"I did it! Now pay up!" I grin, coughing a bit.

This guy, I don't know his name, gave me a hundred dollars. He said I couldn't drink a half bottle of vodka in one go, I proved him wrong.

I feel very, very tipsy. I see Ben walk through the crowd.

Ben was right, partying and drinking is so much fun.

"Ben!" I call out, kind of stumbling around.

"Whoa Veronica, I didn't expect you to be here," Ben catches me before I fall.

"Yeah well I realize you were right this whole time! It is so much fun to drink!"

Ben smiles wide.

"I told ya so love!" He laughs.

He takes my hand and we walk through the crowd of people. He takes me to the table with alcohol and he pours me a drink, and himself.

"Here ya go," He says.

"Thanks," I take the cup.

"To a new friendship!" He grins and touches my cup with his, I grin back and down my drink.

"Wow, that's impressive," Ben raises an eyebrow.

"I try," I grin.

I wake up to a massive headache. I open my eyes to find myself on the ground, Ben next to me.

I nudge him.

"Ben, wake up,"

He just groans and swats my hand away.

"Come on wake up," I whine.

"Alright, alright," He groans.

"What happened?" I ask, as he opens his eyes.

"Ugh I don't know," He wipes his eyes.

I feel for my phone and find it in my bra. I check the time. 12:09.

"Ben! I'm so late for school!" I panic.

"Just don't go,"

"I have to go today,"

"Alright, bye,"

"Bye!" I rush out of the house.

I don't even know who's house it is. I just got invited to a party and I went.

I was debating wether or not to go, considering what happened last time I got drunk.

But then I told myself that I have to loosen up and have fun. After all, all I am is a disgrace and embarrassment to my father. Might as well make his words true.

I find my way back and I climb up the tree and into my room.

I find some Ibuprofen and take one.

I look at myself in the mirror. I have dried makeup that ran down my face, probably from sweating last night, and my hair is a mess.

I don't have time to take a shower. So I wash my face and apply a bit of make up, I brush my hair and throw on a pair of ripped black jeans and a black tank top.

I rush out of my room and head to school. We'd be at lunch right now, I should find Cindy and see what I missed.

I walk around the school and found her in the library. Lame.

"Cindy!" I say.

"Roni! You're alive, jeez why are you so late? And why are you wearing all black? Why are you wearing a tank top? That's not like you to wear revealing clothes," Cindy stares me down.

"Chill out Cindy, it's all good," I sit down with her, "Why are you in the library anyway,"

"I came here to study,"

"Lame, lets go get a drink,"

"We can do that after school or tonight Roni, I have to study right now,"

"Alrighty, well I might be hanging out with Ben," I say.

"Since when do you want anything to do with him,"

"Since he showed me a good time,"

"You know that I think he's hot right though,"

"Yes Cindy I know," I get annoyed.

"Then don't do anything with him,"

"Ew Cindy! You haven't even spoken to him, plus I don't like him that way, we're just friends," I laugh.

"Alright," She laughs as well.

I walk out of the library and get cat called.

"Oh I knew Veronica Banks had a freaky side of her," I hear a guy shout.

"I'm not freaky, I'm just changing things up," I say, giving him the middle finger.

"Oh and she's feisty!" Another guys shouts.

I ignore them and walk away. I wouldn't mind having sex with someone.. I want to know how it feels, giving I can't remember it from when I lost it.

I get through the rest of the day, and now I'm walking home.

Cindy comes up behind me.

"So when are we drinking?"

"Veronica! There you are, how's your head?" Ben comes up to us.

"It's better, how'd you know it was hurting?" I ask.

"Hangovers Veronica, everyone gets them," He laughs.

"Oh Ben! This is Cindy, she's been dying to talk to you," I grin at her.

"Veronica!" She scolds and hits my side.

"Hello Cindy," Ben holds his hand out.

"Hi Ben," She smiles, shaking his hand.

"Alright well we're going to drink, do you want to join?" I ask Ben.


I laugh as Ben tells us stories about him and his friends back where he came from. He friends seem cool, I would love to meet them.

Ben laughs and puts his arm around me.

Cindy gives me this look.

I kind of just cough, as I get up.

"Anyone else want a drink?" I ask.

"Yeah please," Cindy says.

I pour two drinks and hand her one.

The rest of the day Ben, Cindy, and I hang out and talk.

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