FIVE: The Reunion.

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"The Reunion!"

"Ah, look who decided to return

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"Ah, look who decided to return." Rowena purred, twisting Catriona's ring on her finger arrogantly as she walked over to the woman. She had since removed the bullet from her knee that Dean had so graciously given her and healed the wound, and boy was she ready to unleash her fury. One at time, though. She wanted to savour torturing her son and then the Winchesters slowly and painfully. "It's about time."

"I walked for hours." Catriona growled lowly, her hands curling into fists as she fought to push herself into a seated position. "Against my own will."

Rowena faked a pout as she loomed over the exhausted woman, extending a foot and nudging one of Catriona's arms out from underneath her. "Not my fault, dear. You didn't actually think I was going to let you go, did you?"

Rowena laughed heartily as she placed both of her hands on her hips, turning and striding back to the table that was currently covered in various magical and supernatural objects. Catriona heaved a great sigh, growling, "You could at least give me food, you insolent–"

"Oh, I do not like that tone of yours." Rowena sung, flicking out a hand. Catriona opened her mouth to speak, but couldn't. She let out a furious scream at the witch. Rowena hummed as she worked on a spell, deciding to torment the woman a little. "No wonder Fergus took a liking to you, you're feisty. You know, after you died he completely lost the plot. Went crazy trying to find a way to bring you back – he even sold his soul for you, you know? He still hates your son, even today. That's your fault."

When there was no noise on Catriona's behalf Rowena paused what she was doing and eyed the woman closely. Catriona's head was buried in her hands as she sobbed silently, her shoulders rattling with each jerk of her body. Catriona hadn't known what Fergus had done after her death but now she did, she wished she was still dead. She didn't want to live knowing what she had driven her beloved husband to do... to become.

Rowena rolled her eyes. "Oh, don't get too upset. Crowley loves it; I bet he would even thank you if he got the chance. Don't worry, though, you'll see him soon enough."

Catriona lifted her head from her hands and stared poisonously at the witch standing across the room. Without even saying a word, Rowena understood loud and clear what she was thinking. I'm going to kill you. Rowena snickered. "I seriously doubt that."

The harsh metal of the handcuffs bit into the smooth skin of Catriona's wrists as she stood in the centre of the large Devil's Trap that Rowena had drawn, her head lowered as she stared at her bloodied feet. They ached. She was still wearing the same, hideous dress, too. Her skin itched painfully. A few meters away, Rowena knelt over a series of bowls and burning candles as she chanted something in a language that Catriona couldn't understand. She yearned to run at the witch and strangle the life out of her with the cuffs around her wrists, but her body wouldn't allow it. Rowena had done something to the ring; as long as she was wearing it, she had complete and total control over Catriona's actions.

With a final chant, a bright burst of light flooded the room and Catriona was forced to squint. Smoke poured out of the bowl Rowena was leaning over, and when it cleared Catriona spotted a short, stocky man in a black suit standing in front of the witch. He hadn't seen her yet.


"Hello, Fergus."

The man made a show of rolling his eyes and Catriona's heart began to ache. He looked nothing like the Fergus she had once known. She didn't know if she was ready to meet him again, to see what he had become.

"It's Crowley." He corrected, taking a step backwards. His tone was full of loathing. "What do you want?"

"Oh, nothing." Rowena smiled coyly to herself, shrugging with fake innocence.

"I have better things to do than stand here and watch you grin like an idiot all day." Crowley bit, lifting up a hand and preparing to snap his fingers together so he could leave. It was always a pain when people summoned him personally, but this one was even more so of a pain in the ass.

"Did I mention I caught up with my daughter-in-law?" Rowena continued slowly, her eyes twinkling with glee. Finally, she had something to hold over Crowley.

Crowley lowered his hand, his eyes narrowing in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

Rowena pushed her lips together in a small smirk, gesturing towards Catriona. "She's a lovely thing. Very feisty. I can understand why you married her."

In the time it took Crowley to swing his head so that his eyes met Catriona's, the wind was knocked from her lungs. She began to quiver and her heart rattled painfully against her ribs as Crowley finally saw her, and his face twisted into pure shock. His body went rigid when he saw his wife, chained and visibly shaking in the centre of a Devil's Trap. The last time he had seen her was when he closed the coffin and put her in the ground, three centuries ago. He had never expected to see her again, yet there she was.

"F-Fergus...?" Catriona stuttered, her throat closing tightly as tears brewed in her eyes. He may not have looked like her Fergus, but he had the same eyes; filled with wisdom.

Crowley pushed his shock down and turned back to his mother without responding to Catriona, who cried softly in the background. "What is this?"

Rowena eyed him suspiciously. "Why, it's your wife."

"No." Crowley countered smoothly, stunning both of the women. "This–" he gestured at Catriona, "–is a waste of your time. I don't care for her anymore. Perks of being a demon, I guess."

Rowena visibly blanched at her son's words. "What?"

Catriona let out a shaky sob as she collapsed onto the floor at her husband's words. He didn't care anymore. The chains around her wrists rattled as she hid her face in her knees. Crowley smirked at his mother, who was wearing a furious expression. "Oh, please. Next time you want to get at me, resurrect something worth my time. Toodles."

In an instant, he was gone. Rowena stared at the spot he had been before she let out an ear splitting scream of pure fury. She stomped her foot childishly and a nearby light shattered with a pop. A few silent minutes passed and Catriona lifted her head slowly.

"You failed." She said through her tears, and Rowena threw her a dirty look. Catriona surprised herself when she began to bubble with laughter. "Your idiotic plan failed."

"Shut up!" Rowena screamed, and Catriona's voice vanished once more.

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