FOUR: The Confession.

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"The Confession!"

When Catriona awoke, she was startled to find herself in an unfamiliar room on a bed that was quite possibly the best thing she had ever experienced

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When Catriona awoke, she was startled to find herself in an unfamiliar room on a bed that was quite possibly the best thing she had ever experienced. She inspected the room briefly – it was practically bare – before spotting a slightly ajar door and an illuminated hallway just beyond. She climbed out of the bed, scrunching her face up when she realised she was still wearing the same hideous dress from before, and slowly made her way towards the door. She poked her head out and upon seeing it was empty, stepped out. She had the option to go either left or right but she had no clue what to do.

Catriona made the decision to go right and the coolness of the tiles underneath her feet surprised her as she padded down the hallway. She stuffed her hands into the pockets of Rowena's coat as she navigated through the seemingly endless spans of hallways, her eyes skimming against the tiled walls in growing curiosity. She rounded a corner and promptly careened into something, sending her toppling to the floor with a short 'oof' escaping her chapped lips. Pain shot through her elbows as they connected with the tiles and she winced.

"Oh, sorry!" Sam leant down in front of her wearing a sheepish smile as he quickly helped her up, gripping her by the elbows. He searched her face, his brows furrowing slightly. "Are you alright?"

"I'll be fine." Catriona smiled softly, thinking that his eyes were gorgeous. They weren't simply a single colour, but more of a combination of several. "It's good you found me, otherwise I think I would have been lost in here forever."

Sam laughed deeply, letting go of her elbows and reaching up a hand to tuck some loose hair behind an ear. "Yeah, the bunker can get like that. I was just coming to check on you... you almost made it to the kitchen."

Upon hearing his last few words, her stomach gave an unprecedented growl and Catriona blushed profusely. She hadn't eaten in almost three centuries – needless to say she was starving. "Excuse my stomach." She let out a breath laugh.

Sam waved his hand dismissively, giving her a soft smile. "It's fine, really. The kitchen is this way, follow me."

Sam turned and led Catriona through a few more hallways before they emerged into a large open space. He crossed the room, Catriona following closely behind, and she spotted a large library to her left and a tall, spiralling staircase to her right. They made a few more turns before they entered a large kitchen – the biggest Catriona had ever seen – and Dean was seated at a table off to the side. He barely acknowledged them as they came in. There was a beer clutched in his hand as he scrolled aimlessly through several different websites on his laptop, searching for a case. Catriona eyed the laptop with curiosity.

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