Chapter 16

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I flopped down next to Bret at the lunch table, and let out an annoyed sigh. She wrapped her arm around my waist and pulled me to her.

"What's wrong?"

"I probably just failed a test."

"Wow, that's it?"

"Hey, I've never failed this test before."

"Ok, ok, just I'm sure you've passed it about 5 times."

"Ya, and you probably passed it 20, plus this one make it 21!" I snapped

"Jeez, don't you think that was a bit harsh?" Felix butted in

"Ya, sorry."

"It's fine."

Bret then hugged me side ways and kissed my cheek.

"What has you all snappy anyway?"

"I don't know, I've just been cranky lately."

*Time skip*

Felix ran into our room and caught his breath before talking.

"B-Bret got a letter."

Bret stood up and read the letter, all of a sudden, she crumbled it up, threw it on the ground, and stormed out of the room. I chased after her and started walking beside her, into the wood.

"What's going on?"

"The alpha wants to meet, or something bad will happen, to you."

She then turned into her wolf form and started running, and I ran after her.

"We're getting really close to the border." I thought

I then saw the pack standing on the border and Bret stop in front of a wolf, most likely the alpha.

"What is it?" Bret snarled

"We just wanted to tell you, stay out of our territory, leach lover."

"Like I would go in your territory! Stay out of mine!"

"I don't smell you scent on the border, and we have full rain over a leach's territory, just not the house."

"Then I'll put my scent up! So stay off my territory!"

"How about we just kill your little leach friend now!"

Bret then lunged at him and snapped at his face.

"Don't you dare hurt her again!"

Bret then turned away and started walking off, I followed her.

"Kill them."

Me and Bret were almost to the main territory when she stopped and started going to the side. She then ran full speed behind us and knocked into a wolf. He fell to the ground and started fighting with Bret. She beat him and he started running back, when I saw 2 more wolves.


Me and Bret took off running, and the wolves kept getting closer and closer. One snapped at me and almost got me, Bret then spun around, bit down on it's neck and threw it into a tree. The last wolf wouldn't give up and kept chasing us.

When the house was in sight Bret turned around and started fighting the wolf, she bit down on it's shoulder and threw it into a tree, she then ran over and pinned it down and went to bite down on it's neck. But she froze, the wolf took it's chance and lunged at her and knocked her backwards.

Bret scrambled to her feet and jumped on the wolf again, it lunged at her again, but she pinned it down with her front feet, and started staring at it, almost like she was trying to guess who it was. The wolf then turned into a human, so it could fight better, and started hitting Bret's legs and shoulders. She successfully got Bret off and stood up.

"Why aren't you fighting?!"

"Because, I won't fight you!"

Bret then turned into her human form and stood there, the girls eyes then went wide and she ran at Bret. I was prepared to run in to help Bret, but she started hugging the girl.

"I've missed you so much!"

"Me too."

Bret must have noticed my face of confusion, because she stopped hugging the girl and looked at me.

"Alice, this is my sister, Leah."

"I didn't know you had a sister."

"Well, it's been about 150 years since I've seen her, so."

"Well, nice to meet you Leah."

"Oh, you shoulder probably get back to the pack."

"What do I tell them?"

"Just rub my scent off on the trees and tell them I got away."

"Ok, see you later."

"See you."

Me and Bret then walked back to the house.

"I got kinda scared there for a second."


"I don't know, I thought you went crazy, or met a past lover."

Bret then hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"You know you're my one and only."

I turned and kissed her.

"I know."


I rubbed on every other tree and walked through a few creeks before I got back to the pack.

"Finally, what happened?"

"I chased them as far as the house, but Bret attacked me and I lost them."

"Ugg, next time I'll do it myself."

We then started walking back home.


"What did you smell?"

"Well, she had faint traces of Bret on her, and it seemed like she tried to cover it up."

"Ok, what could you see?"

"She had moss and leaves all over her, pointing to she did try and cover up and scent, also her paws and legs were wet."

"Well, we know who's side she's on."


I was coming back from a walk through the woods when the alpha, tracker, and smeller, I know weird names, came up to me. They started growling then jumped on me and started biting me.

{P.S. Leah is pronounced lay}

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