Chapter 6

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"Bret?" I asked, shocked and confused.

Bret didn't look up at me or anyone else. My family just stood there in silent shock. I forced myself to move forward. Once I got to Bret I put my hand on her chin, and she tried to flinch away, but I lifted her head. She looked like she was about to cry, I could already see the tears in her eyes.

"Dad, let her go." I demanded, I couldn't stand to see her like that.

Bret just let her arms fall and head droop, once I took my hand away. I touched her shoulders, she flinched away, and my heart dropped. I could practically feel the anxiety and fear wafting off of her.

"Bret, please come inside and talk to us." I begged.

Not even looking up, she stood and followed us to the house. Once we got inside she stayed by the door, with her head still down.

"Bret, you're a lycan?" Jake finally muttered, the betrayal evident in his voice.

"Y-yes" Bret muttered, so low we could barely hear it.

"Why didn't you tell us?" I asked, not wanting to hear the answer but just hug her.

"W-well, I tried to tell you after school, but you left." She explained, in a little bit of a louder voice.

I thought we were almost done talking to her when Seth stormed forward.

"Are you going to hurt us?!" He yelled, making Bret flinch away and move down a bit.

I could see Bret's mouth moving, trying to form words.

Seth took another step forward, "Well?!"

Bret flinched a little more.

"N-n-n-o." It was so quiet no one heard her.

Seth was now hovering over Bret and hit the door, she flinched down so much that she was almost on the floor.

"ARE YOU?!" He screamed, startling all of us.

At the words Bret started crying and fell to the ground, pulled her legs to her chest, and started burying her head.

At once Ella ran forward and pulled Seth away, while I ran over and slid next to Bret.

"GO CALM DOWN!" Ella screamed at Seth.

"Bret?" I reached out to touch Bret's shoulder, but she flinched away with a whimper.

I felt my heart shatter, the girl I'm in love with is terrified of me. At this moment, I didn't try to deny my feeling, seeing her so small and scared threw out all my doubtful thoughts. The only thing bouncing around my head was the need to make her feel safe again.

Seth finally stormed out. We were all looking at Bret still curled in a ball on the floor when all of a sudden she jumped up, causing me to fall backwards.

"I think I should go." She monotoned out.

Before anyone could do anything she was out the door. My brain wasn't even in control of my body, and I ran after Bret full speed. I caught up to her a little ways into the tree line. I grabbed her arm and spun her around, before I knew it I was hugging her, so tight it might have broken her ribs if she were human.

"Thank you for telling me." I mumbled into her shoulder.

She hugged me back and nuzzled her head a little into my neck.

"Can we talk some more?" I softly asked, not wanting to push her.

She pulled away and shook her head, "Not today,  but tomorrow." 

Can immortal enemies really be in love?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ