
731 21 4

Heavenly voices filled Lollipop's mind. She opens her eyes.
Lollipop shot right up. Nothing was ever censored. She stood up to be greeted by a red haired angel, who's name tag read "3".
"There's no cussin' in Heaven, sweetheart," the number says. Her voice had a mix of a country accent and a regular American accent.
"Oh, so I'm in the afterlife, huh?" She turns to Three. "Where's Barf Bag?" Lollipop demands.
Three puts a finger to her lips. "Shh. Infinity isn't ready to judge you yet."
"Who's Infinity?"
Three thinks a moment. "The father of all the numbers. Z is the variables, but he's second in command."
"Oh, so Four's dad's gonna judge me? That's lovely." Lollipop looks angry and sad. Very sad.
Three puts a hand on Lollipop's shoulder. "We've had people like you before. It's gonna be tough, but we'll make it through. I'll be your guardian angel."
Another number runs up. "Hey, Three, it's Lollipop's turn."
Three nods. "Thank you, 55." She turns to Lollipop. "Fifty Five will take you."
55 was a green-haired male angel. He smiles at Lollipop, leading her to an elaborate court like building. The purple haired female looked very emotional as she walked beside 55, Three tagging along.
Lollipop found herself inside a golden room that was filled to the rim with numbers and variables of all kinds. To her surprise, she saw Four and X with the twins.
"Four!" Lollipop calls.
Four turns. "Lollipop, you made it to Heaven."
"But why all the math? And why are you here?"
Four sighs. "We're angels on earth, pretty much." He sighs. "And given the fact that X and I just produced two baby girls, we were set to be judged."
"But isn't homosexuality bad? I'm gay for Barf Bag....." Lollipop trails off.
"Infinity has had affairs with other men. He just.... a number and a's unheard of."
"But aren't variables used in equations? They're multiplied together."
"Lollipop... given the fact one of the girls' names is 28.....

X is the only variable with a set value."

Just One Dance: A Lollibag FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now