Fear of Death - Thanatophobia

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It happens to everyone and everything eventually, you can't run from it, hide from it, or even wish for it to be quick and painless

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It happens to everyone and everything eventually, you can't run from it, hide from it, or even wish for it to be quick and painless. Death has been on my mind since I was hit by a car as a kid and died for a few minutes. There was nothing was darkness, no light at the end of the tunnel, no warm and cozy feeling, just nothingness. After that, I would wake up every morning sweating bullets because every dream I had I would die at the end. My wife is really the only person I have in my life, my parents died in that car accident, I guess it was just luck that I was brought back to life.

"Honey, do you know it's Christmas next week?" my wife asked and I looked at her from across the dining table and she smiled.

"Oh, yes, I forgot, I just have a lot on my mind."

My wife and I were eating breakfast before work as usual and I had to leave a little bit earlier than her because I ride a bike to and from, well, everywhere. I finished eating and put on my suit jacket, I worked at a law firm as a paralegal, but I was hoping once the new year begins I would be promoted. It was also another thing on my mind a lot, there were quite a few things actually, I suspected my wife was pregnant too but she says that she just have a stomach bug.

I ran out the door after kissing my wife goodbye and a planter fell right in front of me and shattered onto the ground sending shards of clay pottery everywhere. My heart almost popped out of my mouth I was so surprised and I heard a woman scream in shock so I cautiously walked out from under the buildings entry way and looked up. There was an older woman with a small watering can in her hand.

"I am so sorry, I lost my grip on the planter, are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm fine, just a little startled, maybe you should move your plants off the ledge."

"Oh they are too heavy, but I will try."

My heart hurt it was beating so fast and I could feel the arteries in my neck pulsating. That ruined my day, I was doing pretty good until that happened. I didn't even think I could ride my bike because I was so on edge so I decided to walk to work so that I could calm down.

I made it to work surprisingly on time, I locked up my bike and rushed up the stairs to the law firm and held open the door for the couple of lawyers coming up behind me. "Oh Michael, it's nice to see you today, follow me to my office."

I followed my boss and eventually we made it to his office. "I finished looking over the evidence for the Clark vs. Kent case, I think your client has a very good case." As I hand over the file, a chill seeps down my spine.

"Thank you, now I will be handing out the bonus checks tomorrow at the company Christmas party, make sure you bring your wife, my wife has been talking about her green bean casserole non-stop since last year."

"Oh yes, she loves making that. It's a shame I only get it once a year." I tell him jokingly.

My wife now works as the mayor's aide because of a chance meeting. Last year at the Christmas party my boss' wife bumped into my wife at the party causing my wife to spill her drink all over the mayor. The mayor was pretty upset but my boss' wife who is a secretary at the courthouse apologized and since then my wife has moved up from a secretary to aide.

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