Chapter 11: The Next Step

Start from the beginning

"He's ... been showing some strange signs since we have been stabilizing him." The Audino finished. We gave the Audino a look of concern.

"What do you mean by "signs?"" Lilith asked. The Audino looked around, making sure that no one else was eavesdropping on the conversation.

"Well, first of all, when we were stopping the blood from coming out his arm, his chest stared to radiate with a black aura." The Audino whispered. "And that's not even the last of thing that's happened."

"It's probably best we don't speak about these things in front of Ayah." Kathrin said covering Ayah's ears.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure a child doesn't need to be traumatized after a few days of birth." I agreed.

"Hey, are you all talking about me?" Ayah questioned.

"He's also been fading in and out of consciousness." The Audino added.

"I'm guessing that's from the blood-loss?" Carinthia questioned.

"Yes." The Audino confirmed. "But he stayed conscious enough to decide a replacement for his lost arm." The Audino added. "It's a unique design, and very hard to complete, but he should be well in the morning for visiting hours."

"So, we're stuck out here until then." Carinthia said soberly.

"Yes, it's to make sure that he stays stable throughout the night." The Audino confirmed. "His surgery for his arm is already under-way, but with his unique biostructure, we have to be careful not to tamper with anything else."

"Well, what should we do to kill time?" Carinthia asked turning towards us.

"I'd like to do some last-minute shopping." Kathrin said. "But I don't know if I should take Ayah with all the umm..." Kathrin covered Ayah's ears again. "With all the profanity around here."

"Yeah, this child shouldn't be exposed to that at this early of a stage." Lilith agreed shuddering.

"Could you please stop doing that?" Ayah asked shaking Kathrin's hands off of her.

"If you want, I could watch over her and stay here." I offered. Kathrin looked at me for a second, then looked at Ayah.

"Is that okay with you Ayah?" Kathrin asked.

"Yes! I don't want to leave Daddy's side at all from now on!" Ayah implied.

"Guess that settles that little problem." Carinthia stated. "Do you mind if I stayed here with you Sarah, I can't think of anything to do really except relax."

"Not at all." I replied. "I think we're all a bit tense after what happened today."

"Amen to that sister." Lilith agreed. "I think I'm just going to go out and train some more, I need to get my stress out."

"There's a local dojo you can go to for that." The Audino said jumping in.

"Thanks." Lilith remarked. "Do you know where it is?"

"Certainly, it's just over to the next street, next to the Snorlax that refuses to move from "his little territory."" The Audino said pulling are quotes. Lilith gave a concerned look towards the Audino.

"Good to know." Lilith replied. "Thank you again." Kathrin put Ayah down and we walked over to a soft couch in the lounge of the hospital. Kathrin and Lilith walked outside to go do their things. I'd imagine that they wouldn't be too long, since it was almost dark as is. As the three of us sat down on the couch, I could immediately start to feel my muscles relaxing. Without warning, my body leaned back until my back was against the couch.

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