"How did you know I loved Cinderella?" He asked me that day. We go it all on video. And we still have it. To annoy him I watch it every Christmas. I laugh each time because it never gets old. He sits there, arms crossed, with a glare on his face. My parents can't help but laugh, too.

   As we get in the car Free Falling by John Mayer comes on. I try to control myself. I don't want to burst out into song. I don't want my parents to hear me singing. I never plan on them hearing me sing. I once considered a singing career, but I realized...what nerd can sing? So I canceled my plans, no singing career for me. Lord, what was I thinking? God I'm so stupid. I huff and stared out the window. Of course it would rain. I found myself watching the rain droplets falling down the window while listening to music. It was about fifteen minutes from our house to Nando's. I forgot all about the world once I got in the car. It's just me and the music. Instead of singing, I hum silently. It's barely audible, which is good.

  "Sing for us Raines," Daniel commands from the backseat. I ignore him, acting like I don't hear him, instead, I decide to send Liam a text.

Me: We just left

Liam: OK, we're leaving in 15 minutes

Me: kk

  I put my phone in my lap and continue my gaze out the window. My phone buzzes about three times. I look down at it, wondering why I'm getting so many messages.

First one read: Hey Raines, it's Zayn.

Second one: Sup Raines its Louis

Third one: hey raines, its harry

  I save all the numbers and reply, saying the same thing to all of them.

Hey! I'm guessing I'll see you at Nando's?

  I get a yep from all of them. I smile once I see their messages. I made some friends today. I get a good feeling. I warm feeling spreading from my heart all over my body. I keep on smiling until we pull up to Nando's. I turn off my iPod and put it in my pocket, then hop out of the van. I stand there for a second and let the rain fall on my skin. The cold droplets cool me down. It's very refreshing.

  "Move," My brother commands, pushing me out of his way. I glare at him and then walk inside. I was hungry earlier, but as soon as I walk in and inhale the smell of the chicken, the scent is enough to fill my stomach. I sigh and stand there waiting for my parents. It takes me a second to realize that they are already seated and are waiting for me. I walk over to them and sit down, pretending to read the menu, knowing I'll probably just get the smallest thing they have, if I even get anything at all.

Liam's P.O.V

"I can't wait until we get to Nando's!" Louis screams from behind me.

"Louis just shut up. You have been going on about Nando's since we decided to go about an hour ago. You're just like Niall," I joke, looking at him in the rear view mirror to see that he's pouting. I smirk and put my attention back to the road. Last thing I need is to get in a wreck with these boys. That'd be bloody horrible. 

   I keep thinking about Raines. I'd have to tell her sooner or later. I can't keep this act up forever. I feel so bad doing what I'm doing. I can't believe I let the boys talk me into it.

    I could hear Harry and Louis play fighting from the back seat. Zayn sat next to me checking his Facebook. How could they act like nothing happened when they started it? They started this shit. It makes me feel like such a bastard. I should've known better than to play Truth or Dare with these boys. But turns out I'm actually starting to like her. 

  It's supposed to be a joke. It's supposed to be funny. But now that I've started, I can't seem to find the humorous aspect of it anymore.

A car honking at me made me realize where I was; in the car, driving. I shake my head and try to clear it.

"You okay, Li?" Louis asks me.

"Yeah. I'm fine," I lie, looking at him through the rear view mirror.

"You don't seem fine. What's wrong?" He pushes. 

"I'm fine. Now shut up because we're at Nando's." I pull into the parking lot.

"Yay! Oh my carrots, this place isn't packed. Well that's a good thing!" He yells excitedly.

   "How is he the oldest of all of us?" I whisper to Harry as we walk in. He shrugs in response. We get a table almost immediately. I look at the other side of the room and see a girl who looks vaguely familiar. She has dark brown hair, pale skin, blue eyes, looks very fragile...... Almost like Raines. Oh my God, it is Raines!!

"Guys! It's Raines!" I say, motioning to her.

   "Oh my carrots it is!" Louis says. I almost didn't recognize her. She isn't wearing her glasses. Her hair looks wet, it's curly, and falls a few inches past her shoulders, not in a braid like it was earlier. She's wearing a skirt and a tank top. She looks completely different from the girl I met at school today. She's even wearing makeup, not that she needed it.

 I'm going to freak her out, I decide to send her a text.


   I click 'send', and watch her to see her reaction. She looks to her right, and looks me dead in the eye. I wave along with the rest of the guys. She blushes and returns her gaze back to the table she's sitting at. I see her typing in her phone. Then she puts it down. My phone vibrates almost immediately after she sets her phone down.

Raines: I SEE YOU TOO!

 I start laughing. I show the boys the messages and they start laughing too.

Me: Come over here with us

Raines: When my parents leave

Me: Why not now?

Raines: Reasons I can explain later

Me: oooookkkk

I put my phone up as the waitress comes to get our order.

Diary of A Teenage Nerd (A Liam Payne Fan Fiction) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now