Chapter 1

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                      3rd person POV
Peter's smile shone brightly as he blew out of the candle on top of his little cupcake. He was officially 18 and he could officially get the job at the arena. He would stand tall and proud next to that strong, burly man that worked there.

Peter smiled he had been to every match that deadpool was at. He yearned to be just like him. He could practically hear the fans shouting his name. He had been working out vigorously. He now had a 6-pack. He had a toned chest and muscles in him arms. He was still pretty short though. Pretty scrawny too.

  He located the address the man gave him, which he kept under the mattress. He found himself jogging to the man's home. He had never seen such a big building. Peter didn't even own 1 acre. This man owned at least 50. A large mansion stood infront of him.

  His eyes shimmered. He knocked on the door. When the door opened a puff of smoke blew in his face. Peter coughed and gagged at the scent of the cigarette smoke. It smelled like all the worst things in the world. Like blood and tobacco drenched in alcohol and toxins.

  The man chuckled,"You'll have to get used to worse than this is you'll be working for me." The man said noticing peters tattoo along with his disgusted facial expression.

Peter made an annoyed face and held his wrist out, allowing the man to examine it. The different shades of green that formed the snake clashed with the black out line and the gold infinity symbol below it.

The man inspected it with narrowed eyes. "I see. And you are 18?" Peter nodded,"as of today." The man smirked,"you know very little of this job if you came running to take advantage of it." Peter hummed as a bead of sweat ran down his forehead,"I was excited and I need the money."

  The man nodded,"So do you have someone you'd like to work for? Never mind! My top gladiator asked for the best and I think he'll approve of you."

  Peter frowned slightly,"and your top man is?" The man smirked,"you have heard of him." The man brought Peter to a large room. Peter was amazed by what he saw. Every warrior was practicing and working out.

Peter smiled widely before seeing that next to each gladiator was an adult. Most were around Peter's age, but a couple were older. Peter froze,"who are they?" The man smirked,"they are exactly what you'll be in a few moments... A Slave"

Peter ran to the exit but the gladiators stood in front of the door. Peter's eyes wandered their bodies. He saw that the gladiators had different tattoos than he did. The gladiators tattoos had beautiful silver swords with the same golden infinity symbol underneath it.

He then looked at the slaves who had the same tattoos on their wrists as Peter. Peter's eyes watered,"no-" The man smirked,"Don't cry dear... you'll be the Slave of my top gladiator." He pointed at a tall man. About 6'2. Scars covered his skin. Morning awful. They were assumably just battle scars.

He was built as fuck. Muscular. Sexy. He had dirty blonde hair that swayed from left to right... and he had beautiful eyes. A gorgeous midnight sky that fell into the ocean during the day. They shimmered like starts. Magical.

Peter stared,"He is amazing. But who is he? You said I know him." The man chuckled,"that my sweet, is deadpool." Peters jaw dropped. The gladiator walked up to him,"My name is Wade Winston Wilson, and you will address me as Wade unless I give you permission or tell you to call me something else."

Wade then sighed,"I will inform you of these names when the time comes." Peter stared blankly, but nodded in understanding. Wade chuckled,"and your name?" Peter shifted uncomfortably,"P-Peter Parker." "Cute." Wade said kindly.

Peter sighed, trying to force any blushes or feelings for wade away from him,"Do I receive anything for this job?" He asked the man who got him into this mess. "Ask your owner Parker." He pointed to Wade nonchalantly. Peter turned to Wade,"Do I receive anything for this job?" Wade sighed,"you will live with me, and I will buy you clothing and I will be feeding you."

Peter smiled,"Well that actually sounds quite nice." Wade smirked,"You really are the bet Slave I could ever get." Wade nodded at his boss before sighing,"I'll be taking him home to unpack his belongings." The men grinned letting Wade and Peter leave. The man sighed,"He's so innocent."
A few hours later
Peter gawked at the sight. Another mansion. Cream colored. Large pillars held up the balcony which could be seen from the front. It wasn't quite as big as the one he had previously seen, but it was still huge,"I will live in here?!" Wade nodded, unlocking the door and letting Peter in.

The inside was beautifully decorated. Knight stands were lined up against the walls and in the cent r of the two rows on either side was a long red carpet. On either side of the carpet were beautiful gold patterns. The walls were adorned with lavenders on vines. A crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling.

Peter was lead to the master bedroom,"if you are being a good boy you can sleep in your own room." Wade said,"but if you are being bad, you will be punished, and then you'll sleep in here with me." Peter nodded and was lead to his own room.

The walls were a light cream with baby blue embroidery. There was a queen bed with pale blue covers and sheets. Peter stared in amazement,"This is beautiful." There were  white drawers on either side of the bed and a large walk in closet. On the other side was a desk with a typewriter on it. Next to the type writer was some paper, along with some ink and a calligraphy pen.

Peter laid back on the bed and smiled widely. Wade chuckled,"I will go get you some clothes while you take rest for the day. I'll see you tomorrow." Peter smiled. He thought to himself,'This is amazing. Why did the other slaves seem so miserable?' Little did Peter know he would soon discover the answer to his question.
AND THAT IS A WRAP FOR THIS CHAPTER. I'm so sorry for the delay. I've been so busy and I have just been accepted into college classes for history even though I'm a freshman, as well as accelerated maths and advanced reading. I need to start working ahead for maths and plus I have all the work for school I must complete. I hope you will forgive and excuse my absence.

1159 words

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