Chapter 4

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For this chapter, I would like people to know White and yellow will be present in this chapter. (White and yellow are voices in Wade Wilson's schizophrenic head.)

White represented by (WB-) and yellow being represented by [YB-]

                               3rd POV
"I- I know you love Peter." She said in a breathy tone. "I know a horrible secret about him too though. Johnny told me. Peter can uh... Get pregnant..." Wade put on a look of disbelief,"n-no." Wade glared at her,"no, I can't believe your being do immature as to lying about Peter." Wade scoffed at her. Vanessa gawked at the blonde,"what? I speak nothing but the truth. Ask Peter yourself if you must."

  Wade nodded,"I will. And I will prove you're lying. Now, It's getting late. Let me drop you off at home." Vanessa glared,"You mean my home?" Wade knew he was going to get kicked out of his own home, but he just nodded in response to Vanessa's comment and began driving.

  The entire time she sobbed in the back seat. Muttering the word 'sorry' and spoke of how she loved Wade and needed him back. She talked of how she would kill Peter, but as soon as she said those things Wade felt an immediate urge to grasp her neck and say,"You WoNt TOUcH PeTer! YoU HEAR mE?!?!?!?!" And so he did. Vanessa whimpered and nodded rapidly, trying desperately to grasp the slightest bit of oxygen.

  Wade let go, even though he desired nothing but her demise.

  Yellow sighed [YB- c'moooon! You can't kill her! She's hot!]

  (WB- Peter isn't?)

  [YB- well he is but Vanessa has humongous ti-)

  Wade yelled,"shut the fuck up!" Vanessa shook and bolted out of the car immediately, upon arrival.

  She threw all of Wade's belongings out the window with a satisfied grin. Wade shoveled them all into his car and called Peter. "Hello?" Peter said in his raspy, groggy voice. "Petey... I told my wife. She kicked me out..." Peter hesitated for a brief period of time,"stay with me." Peter said in a cracked tone of voice. Wade blushed,"alright. You still live with your parents?" Peter smiled,"no." Peter texted Wade the new address just seconds after replying.

  Wade hummed with content and drove to Peter's house. It was a regular 3 story home. In a simple neighborhood. Wade questioned it due to Peter being extremely wealthy. He shrugged it off quickly and parked. Making his was to the brown door soon after.

  He rang the bell to hear soft foot steps approach. The door swung open, and Peter giggled and embraced his previous lover. Wade let out an exasperated sigh,"I- Vanessa knows about you. She kicked me out of my own home..." Peter hugged the older man even tighter,"it's all right. You'll live with me." Was nodded,"how long do you think I can stay." Peter laughed,"As long as you need to you dummy." Wade blushed, and let himself into the home.

  Peter helped Wade with his things. Wade smiled at Peter before hugging him once more. Peter hugged back with a small giggle. Wade sighed and whispered,"thank you. For letting me stay." Peter blushed,"it's not a problem love~"

  "Say, you've done so much for me and I was hoping that you would be willing to go on a date with me." Peter blushed profusely, but nodded,"yes!" Wade put on a goofy smile,"perfect. Tonight at 7 maybe? 7:30?" Peter laughed a bit,"Ah well most restraints will be booked around then. Maybe 8 or 8:30 would be a bit better?" Wade smirked,"a guy who knows what he wants. I like that." Peter giggled and winked at Wade,"then you must love me." Wade chuckled a bit and smiled.

  Wade had finally gotten settled in. His things were unpacked, and due to Peter helping so much, they finished at a quarter to 6. Wade dialed a fancy restaurants number.

  [YB- are we taking him out now?]

  (WB- why wouldn't we? He's done so much to help us. He saved our sorry ass.)

  [YB- we should be completing our mission! Remember how much we will get if we kill Spider-Man?]

  (WB- no...)

  [YB- 5 fuckin' billion dollars!]

  Wade growled and locked the door to his bedroom, and whispered so Peter didn't hear,"I know, but Peter is more important to me than any form of money. Now shut up!" The other line Wade had called finally answered.

  A young woman's voice, frail and soft answered,"Bonjour!" Wade smiled,"Bonjour
mademoiselle!" The woman had an obvious French accent, even when she spoke English,"would you like to make r- reservation?" She couldn't speak English that well. That had been for sure. "Yes, one reservation for two at 8:30 tonight."

  The woman sighed,"I'm very sorry to tell this, but um we have um how they say...'full house'." Wade nodded,"any other openings available tonight?" She responded hesitantly,"y-yes, but it is very expensive, for it is what we call our romance suite." Wade made a face,"tell me more." She smiled,"it's not actual suite. But it is the only table on the balcony over looking the stars reflecting into the beautiful oceans below.

   Wade nodded,"that would be spectacular. What time?" "Em 9:00, I hope time isn't too late for you." Wade chuckled, his voice deep as ever,"perfect." She started,"uhm. What name should I put under the reservation?" "Oh! Uh Wade Wilson. Sorry" "Tis not a problem. Adieu." Wade smiled,"adieu"
AND THAT IS A WRAP! what other things may unfold during there stay together? Possibly words? Or clothing?~ heh.

Oh? But is Wade Deadpool? Is Peter Spider-Man? What will happen if they come across each other's paths. Will Wade slice and dice the love of his life. Or will Peter and Wade come together like Nutella and milk....

And what will happen on the date?!?!? WELP FIND OUT NEXT TIME BREH

Also. Roleplay. I still do it. But there is a catch. I only roleplay as the submissive one meaning bottom, due to my failure to be top. This means. In a spideypool situation I would be Peter. In a destiel situation. I would be castiel. In a billdip situation I would be Dipper.

1062 words.

Spider man X Deadpool (long one shots)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant