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Okay okay sowwy this isn't a chapter but I promise that I will make one right after!!!

I was tagged by the lovely loveanimelol and I'm so excited cuz I read her spideypool book all the time and then she fricking noticed me and I'm like JAVSKABAKANANNAKABSKWBEKNEJDNDMDN!!!!!

Also I am so happy and I just wanted to thank you because just two days ago we just hit 300 and now we are really close to 400 reads!!! Omg thank you guys so much!

Now let's get into this tag!

Now let's get into this tag!---------------------------------------------------

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So umm rule 1 no haters plz!

Fact 1- no close friends or family know that I'm bisexual only Internet friends

Fact 2- my birthday was yesterday

Fact 3- my only fears are bugs and being hung

Fact 4- I don't like chocolate flavored things but I like chocolate in general

Fact 5- I dyed my hair 2 days ago

Fact 6- I have 3 stories in my house not including the attic

Fact 7- I have a whole floor to myself

Fact 8- my aunt knows me better than my parents

Fact 9- I am an indoor child but my parents didn't care enough to learn that and we had to spend the whole day outside

Fact 10- I went on a 12 day cruise through Europe and the entire time I wanted to be home with my wifi

Fact 11- I don't like celery

Fact 12- I'm a total tomboy

Fact 13- cupcake/cake frosting burns my troat but I eat it anyways...

Friend 1- mittenthekittien

Friend 2- CarlTheKawaiiCupcake

Friend 3- x_ultimatefangirl_x

Friend 4- lizzytag45

Friend 5- _SuperHeroFanatic_

Friend 6- fxckingfoxybrx

Friend 7- A_Rose_G

Friend 8- courvis

Friend 9- Live_love_you_

I don't have a lot of friends but these are awesome people that I just find interesting and super cool

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