Chapter 8

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"Yes, I'm sure." Lucy confirmed.

It was a rather fair day outside, not too sunny yet not too cloudy, and the perfect combination of engulfing warmth and a cool breeze.

Lucy was currently laying on her stomach on the comfy bed, legs raised and crisscrossed. Wendy, Erza, and Carla were standing in front of her, making her put her book down, and look up at them. This, my friends, is how Lucy ended up in an explanation about the way she acted yesterday and about Natsu's peculiar behavior.

"But-but no, it just.." Erza stuttered.

"Doesn't fit." Lucy finished. " but it's got to be the reason! Think about it. Natsu was completely fine and normal until me and Levy-Chan decided to test out that truth serum on him. One day after that he just..."

But the girls didn't need Lucy to finish her sentence to understand what she meant. Natsu started acting the way he did now.

"But why?" Chirped in Wendy. "Why wouldn't he confront us about this? We could've at least tried to help him."

"Well, it was only a matter of time before we found out." Erza stated. "We're going to get to the bottom of this."






"Wa u want?" Natsu mumbled from under his blanket cocoon. Only a tuft of pink/salmon hair was visible from the top.

"Come on, get up. The girls want to go to the beach."

"I don't wan to?"

"No matter. Get. Up! For Mavis' sake!" Gray pulled and tugged at the blankets.


"Come on, Natsu!"

Natsu pokes his head out. "Fine, just giv-WHO WANTS TO GO TO THE BEACH AT THIS UNGODLY HOUR!"

Gray turned his head to the clock on the nightstand. 6:38 AM.

Gray sighed. "Only Mavis knows why. They came in here and started saying crap about 'seeing the sun rise' and 'getting a good spot'."

"Well, I'm awake now." Then Natsu grumbled "fuck you."

Though Gray heard it all right.

"I believe it's the other way around."

And with that he walked out, leaving behind a red and flustered Natsu.

No later than 30 minutes, Team Natsu was ready to go. God knows how those girls were so talkative at 7 in the bloody morning.

"Come on, Natsu, cheer up! You'll love the beach, it's absolutely beautiful~" said Lucy.

Natsu only pouted and turned his head away stubbornly. Gray found this extremely cute and had to refrain himself from hugging the poor boy to death.

"Aaannndd... where here!"

And Lucy wasn't wrong, the beach was prepossessing. The crystal clear waves hit the smoothly rounded stones. Colorful shells sprinkled the powder soft sand and the several groups of huddled palm trees set about in different locations provided the perfect spot for relaxation.

The salty wind blew in Natsu's face and blew his hair sideways. It felt refreshing.

The group finally decided on a spot to relax as they settled their beach bags down. Of course, Happy dashed to the water without an ounce of hesitation, soon followed shyly by Wendy and a protective Carla.

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