Chapter 13

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So, I am going to finish up this story in a few chapters or so. Maybe include some
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

On that note, here you go~
(Sorry I haven't updated in a while)

Natsu felt as if the world went still despite the violent demolition raging inside of him. He wanted to scream and pour his emotions out his throat, vocalized for all to withhold. It was as if someone uncorked the bottle that was on the edge of combustion and everything just poured out relentlessly, drowning himself in an unimaginably large sea of searing anger and malicious depression. Unfortunately, the vexation outweighed the cavernous gap in his heart.

He could feel his hands ball themselves into quivering fists.

"Natsu, we're really sorry-"

"Sorry for what?" Natsu chuckled wryly.

At this, Mira's eyebrows knitted together in worry and distress. She already caught onto the fact that something must've happened between Natsu and Gray during the mission(and she desperately hoped that it was the gratsu ship finally catching wind and starting to sail) but she couldn't be sure.

"Well, I mean... what else might I say sorry for? He's obviously dear to you, not to mention the whole guild-"

"Just shut up."
Natsu closed his eyes and sighed through his nose, trying to steady his breathing and maintain his anger. He could feel his fingernails digging into his palms. Any harder and he'd draw blood.

Erza practically glared at him. That dense idiot! Couldn't he see?

"Natsu." Erza sighed before continuing. "We're worried sick too, you know. You're not the only one, so it'd be nice for you to be sensible here and-"

"Yeah?" Natsu could feel that same old feeling whirling up inside of him again, giving him the desire to spout out the truth. But it was weak this time, as the serum's effects were starting to wear off.

"Natsu, just calm down-" Lucy started in a pacifying tone.

That only fed his anger more, if possible.

"Don't tell me to calm down! I'm already fed up as it is! I just can't anymore, I honestly can't!"
And that was it, that was all it took for that oh so familiar crimson substance to leak through his fingers and dribble onto the floor.

"Natsu, cut the crap-"

Erza gripped Natsu's wrist.

And that was all it took for Natsu to snap.

"What is he never wakes up?"
His voice trembled, and as much as he wanted to stop, words just kept tumbling out, as if he were still on the truth serum.

"He could die, Erza." Natsu slowly looked up to meet Erza's fiery gaze.

"And it would be my fault. All. My. Fucking. Fault. If I hadn't been so caught up in A-A-"
Natsu sighed.
"In his deceptive ways, I could've saved him. But no, I'm gullible as always, because that's who I am, right?"

The guild went silent.


Erza opened her mouth to intervene, but Natsu cut her off abruptly.
"I'm just some reckless fire mage who can't help but destroy everything damn thing I touch! I-I cost my team their reward in order to repair the damage that I CAUSED."

Behind The Scenes ~ A Gratsu fanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin