Chapter 7

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No later than 7 hours had they reached their destination.

Natsu stumbled out, muttering about how he'd "never ride one of those damn torturous vehicles again." But, of course, he had to ride one back.

"W-why couldn't be just-ugh-w-walk?"
Natsu was still recovering from all the throwing up he did. "I'm not walking that far of a distance!" Lucy exclaimed. "The train is way more quicker."

Wendy, though not as nauseous as Natsu, looked just as miserable and silently agreed with him on the idea of traveling by foot.

"It'd be no use if we started searching now, it's nearly nightfall. Luckily, I booked us a hotel."

All of team Natsu followed Erza to the hotel. About 7 minutes later they were at the front desk.

"Welcome to Bolsteria Harbor hotel. How may I be of assistance?"

The women who had spoken hadn't taken her eyes off her computer screen, clicking away busily at her keyboard. She had bright green hair tied in a messy bun with 3 colorful feathers tucked to the left side of it. She wore a hot pink button up shirt with short sleeves and a black tie. Many pretty, unique, and attention grabbing friendship bracelets framed her right arm. Her name tag read Sayuri Liyla.

"Yes, we booked a hotel room here."


"Erza Scarlet."

After a few moments wait, Sayuri's teal eyes turned their attention towards the group. "Yes, rooms 394 and 390." She handed over their cards with a soft smile.


"No problem."

The tired group trudged their way towards their rooms, girls being in one and boys in the other. (A/N: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

Slipping the card in the slot, the door unlocked and Natsu went in, just wanting some and sleep. The hotel room had a gorgeous dark wood floor. A white king sized bed lay against the walll, draped in white comforters and pastel blue and gray. A yellow, circular table stood alongside it, and a comfortable looking carpet was placed down.

 A yellow, circular table stood alongside it, and a comfortable looking carpet was placed down

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In other words, the room was beautiful.

But wait...

There was only one bed. Natsu thought he'd die from embarrassment and the way he could feel blood rush up his neck and cheeks.

So, he did what his fake self would do. Be dense and oblivious to it all.

Grabbing a stowed away menu, the 2 decided on what they wanted (well, mostly Gray) to eat. A women with long brown hair tied in 2 low pigtails came in with a cart that held their order. She wore the same outfit as Sayuri with a black skirt. Her name tag read Misaki Ree.

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