Chapter 6

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He was bound, trapped, helpless. He was restrained to the wall in a star position, his arms tied at his wrists and pulled horizontally from his body and rope intensely looped around his ankles, legs slightly apart.

His eyes were dull and tired. He wanted to leave, for all this to just stop.

But he knew no matter how hard he wished the pain away that this was his reality and he would never escape this horrid fate.


The weary man's head shot up, eyes wide with an easily read emotion: fear.

He was back. Back to torment him, to mess with him and his head.

The unknown figure slipped through the opening the door provided and made his way towards him in the darkness, the clinking of his boots and the objects on the cart he pulled behind him rattling, these being the only sounds that broke the silence.

Click clack clack click clickitty clack.

"Ah, you're awake, good." The figure was soon revealed to be a man as he stepped under the single lightbulb in the room. He had a sickly sweet smile plastered on his face.

"How heart warming. So eager to spend some fun time with me. Hmmm, how about a reward, eh?"

And even though he had gone through this torture many times before, the feeling of panic and bile rising up in his throat was something Natsu would never get used to.

Natsu slowly and shakily shook his head no.
He knew what that reward was, having received them a few times already. They were sick, just like this bastard.

"No? What a pity. I had an extra special guest, too."

A spark of curiosity whirled up inside Natsu's being. Special guest? Who...

His question was soon answered as the guy was temporarily gone from the room and returned with this ''special guest'. 

No. No. It-just no. No no NO.

It couldn't be.

"Such a burden, put up quite the fight. Wouldn't stop screaming though."

The women was thrown forward, gagged, arms tied behind her back. Her long, silky pink hair covered her face and pooled around her for she fell face first.

But he knew damn well who she was.

The woman looked up, her eyes widening the size of saucers at the sight of her son.


"Ah, yes, what a lovely little family reunion. But let's proceed onwards, shall we?"

Natsu's tears cascaded silently down his sunken cheeks, not having eaten in days. He wanted this all to just be some nightmare, cause he knew what happened to those who were victims of these 'rewards'. 

"Now, after all the generous rewards I've given you, you still won't talk. Well maybe this might be the final push. Tell me," the man went up to Natsu's face, his breath almost making Natsu want to retch. "What's. Your. Secret? Simple enough. The quicker you supply me with an answer the safer your mother is."

"I-I," Natsu began. He didn't know what secret this man was trying to get out of him. "Spill." The man repeated.

"I...I don't know..."

And at this point Natsu started to silently sob. This was the unsatisfiable answer he'd been supplying the vile man with for the past weeks, because really, it was just that. He didn't know. But, of course, the man didn't take his word for it.

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