Chapter 8: Reconnaissance

Start from the beginning

"What was that?" Sarah asked concerned.

"I don't know." I replied. Then we felt the ground shake another time.

"There it is again!" Carinthia said balancing herself.

"I'm not getting a good feeling about this." Lilith said uncomfortably. Suddenly, Mark's son came down the stairs energetically.

"Everyone! Come take a look outside! There's fireworks going on outside!" Knud said yelling to everyone. A few of the children ran upstairs to see the fireworks.

"That's strange." Mark said puzzled. "There's no event going on that calls for fireworks." Sarah walked out towards one of the broken windows and looked outside.

"Hey girls, you might want to come take a look at this." Sarah said calling us near the window. We all had a look of puzzle on our faces, but we all came to the windows nonetheless. What we saw, was definitely not fireworks. As we looked outside, about three-thousand feet away. I could see a figure spitting out fire. It didn't take much to convince me that was Caius. He was probably getting his anger out or something.

"Geez, what's got him so railed up about a stranger?" Lilith asked.

"I don't think it's so much about the stranger." I said looking at Lilith. "I think it's the trauma he just experienced from losing her."

"Why? He's not her husband." Lilith countered.

"It's about the egg." Sarah clarified. "He lost his parents when he was young, he doesn't want anyone else living like that."

"That makes more sense." Lilith said looking back outside the window. I looked outside the window, looking at the fire almost a mile away.

"I'm getting a little scared." I said backing away from the window.

"Just let him burn out." Sarah recommended. "He needs time alone to vent out whatever he is going through."

"I've sometimes had the feeling that he's hiding too much." Carinthia said trying to see all the fire.

"Sometimes it's best that way." I said holding onto the egg.

"Don't you think he'd be better if he told us though?" Carinthia asked turning around towards me.

"If he does," I countered, "it's best he does it at his own time, not when we want to know." Just as I said this, I felt something kick inside the egg, almost knocking it out of my arms, but I quickly caught it before it could escape.

"Everything okay there Kathrin?" Carinthia asked seeing the scene.

"Yeah, I think the egg is close to hatching though." I said getting a better grip on the egg.

"When do you think he'll cool down?" Lilith asked.

"Who knows, but we should probably leave him alone." Sarah recommended. Sarah turned towards Mark, who had seen and heard everything. "You should probably get the kids inside. I don't want them getting hurt."

"I agree." Mark said. "I'll go gather them right now." Mark ran off to go get the children inside. I could hear their whining from the window, which made me giggle a little bit. Youths were always so fascinated by everything they saw that wasn't a part of their everyday lives. I looked at the egg in my arms and listened closely. I even moved my heard towards the egg to see if I could hear better. As I listened closely, I could hear the faint noise of something moving around inside the egg. When I found my mate, I always envisioned us having a large family. Hearing something move inside the egg almost made me feel like the dream came true. I pulled my head back and gave a sigh of relief. Lilith took a look at the egg, then at me.

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