Chapter 7: Another Plea For Help

Start from the beginning

"What's so bad about Lofn?" I asked curiously. "All I've heard is that she's started a rumor about me, that's it."

"She intends to keep you for herself." The Accelgor proclaimed. "With you by her side, she plans on ruling the city with an iron fist."

"Let's see her try and take me." I taunted. "I'm not afraid of anyone."

"Oh, but you should be afraid." The Accelgor said. "She's very tricky with her words, and she has deceived many into believing her lies."

"That much I've figured." I scoffed. "But I can't leave until I'm done with what I need to do."

"And what are you supposed to do?" The Accelgor questioned. I look back out into the streets, making sure no one was listening.

"To be honest, I still don't know." I replied.

"Then why are you still here?" The Accelgor asked. I shrugged.

"Call it a gut feeling." I replied. "But something out here is calling out to me."

"It's probably Lofn trying to get inside your head." The Accelgor said bluntly.

"No, it's something else, something calming and desperate." I replied still looking into the streets. "I'm not going to stop until I'm certain that the feeling is gone."

"You'll get yourself killed." The Accelgor mentioned.

"Again, I highly doubt that." I replied looking at the Accelgor. "It's going to take more than just a seductress to take me down."

"Then how about an army?" The Accelgor questioned.

"Don't make me laugh." I scoffed. "I've handled hundreds of battles; an army is no different."

"Dang it Caius, stop being stubborn for once and listen." The Accelgor said. "You're needed in Adom, not here in Ai."

"I'll make my way there eventually." I said. "But I need to make sure that I can help in any way I can."

"Sometimes it's best to leave a city to do things on their own." The Accelgor said.

"I refuse to accept that!" I declared. "Everyone needs help, and I'm not about to turn down helping someone." The Accelgor tried to reason with me, but when he saw that he couldn't change my decision, he gave me one piece of advice.

"You don't think Adom has its fair share of problems?" The Accelgor questioned.

"I know the world has its fair share, but I'm just trying to shorten them as much as possible." I countered.

"Then you should get to Adom as soon as possible, someone there could use your help just as much as the people of Ai." The Accelgor said running out of the alley way.

"Wait! Who?" I said calling out to the Accelgor. But he was long gone. I thought about running after him, certainly I could catch up to him, but I doubt I'd get anything. Why did that city sound so familiar though? As I was thinking about the name, my attention was brought about by a figure running across the street. It was a moderately tall figure, holding some kind of item. A thief maybe? I quietly made my way to where the shadow had hidden itself inside another alley way. While I was walking forward towards the alley way, I noticed something red on the ground. I kneeled down and touched its warm feeling. Blood, and very fresh. Whoever this was, they were probably wounded. As I peeked my head into the alley way, I could see the figure laying down on the ground with their back on the wall.

"Who's there?!" The figure barked out. There was no point in hiding behind the wall, I made my appearance out in the alley way.

"Who are you?" I asked. "Are you okay?"

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