Changing For The Better..... Or Worse???

Start from the beginning


  "Guys! She's awake!" I hear a familiar male voice call. I shift my position so I'm sitting up as my vision clears. I recognize the four boys almost immediately, but I haven't yet processed my location.

  "Where am I?" I asked them.

   "You are at your house," Louis tells me as he sits next to me on my bed. 

   "I...huh? Wait. I'm where?!" I open my eyes wider and sit up, finally processing the situation completely.

   " house," Louis explains word by word.

   "What the hell are you guys doing here?" I feel a stinging pain in my cheek. I hold it in my hand, noticing a small bump from where I was hit earlier.

   "Whoa. Okay, calm down, someone's not very happy to see us. Well we're here because we're worried about you," Liam says. What the hell?! Why are they worrying about ME?! Out of all people...ME!!!!

   "No it's not that, you guys are awesome, but, well I'm fine. You guys can leave now," I say, standing up and ushering them downstairs, following closely behind them. I don't see my parents or brother, so I calm down. "Oh, never mind. You can stay." I run to the couch and hop on it. I grab the remote and flip on the TV.

   "Well that was awkward," Louis whispers. I turn around and forcefully smile at them. I hear shuffling then the room was filled with boys. I flip through the channels. Absolutely nothing was on, probably because it's midday. I grunt and turn off the TV.

   "Oh! I have an idea!" Liam shouts, sitting next to me on the couch. Clearly seeing I'm bored. I just give him a curious look and wait for him to continue. "Raines, sing for us."

     Oh for the love of Christ. Right now? Why now? I'm not about to sing in front of these guys. They'll laugh their eyes out. And then I'll never be able to face them again.

   "No," I answer immediately. It's that simple. I refuse to sing for them. It's just not going to happen. Not in their life time. I hear all of them grunt. "I'm sorry boys. I don't sing for people. I sing by myself. Not in front of anyone."

   "Oh she can sing," Says another voice, but it wasn't any of the four boys from school. I turn out the new voice. I see my fourteen year old brother standing in the doorway. Why the hell was he here? Why wasn't he in school? Oh's probably over and mom and dad are probably at some meeting. Or he's just sick and not in school.

   "Daniel. Don't start." I glare at my brother.

   "Yes, my nerd of a sister has voice. At night I can hear her in her room singing The Script and stuff like that," Daniel, my brother, says, completely ignoring my protests and looking at the boys.

   "Daniel please!" I beg. The boys were watching him. I was on the edge of the couch looking at him with pleading and begging eyes. He's looking at me too. Straight in my eyes.

   "Guys I'm sorry, but you need to go. I'll text you. I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow." The guys get up when I say this.

   "Please. Don't hesitate to call us if you need anything," Liam tells me. I get a hug from each boy then they leave, then shut the door behind them, locking it as well. 

   "What were you thinking Daniel?!" I turn and yell. My sweater had fallen down on one shoulder and I feel tears in my eyes.

   "You are an amazing singer. You just don't know it," Daniel says to me before I run upstairs. I look in the mirror at my reflection. I take off my glasses and look at myself. I'm not pretty. I just couldn't see it in a girl like me. A girl who is the teacher's pet, who gets straight A's, who sits at home and watches Star Wars all weekend, who has no friends, who doesn't eat, and who has no life whatsoever.

  I wipe off all my makeup and jump in the shower. The hot water feels absolutely amazing on my skin, especially after this really long day. Luckily my room is connected to the bathroom so I can just run in there and get changed. Tonight I'm going to wear a silver-sequined dress with black flats. I'm going to keep my hair down, pull back my bangs with a bobby pin. I decide to wear mascara, eye liner, and glittery eye shadow. I guess I could wear my contacts.

  I shampoo and condition my hair, wash my body then jump out, wrapping my towel around me. I decide against the dress. Instead I go to my closet to pick out something else.  I grab a jean skirt and a layered red shirt. My mom buys me this stuff to get me out of my t-shirt and leggings habit. I never wear any of it. I'm still going to wear my black flats though. And no glittery eye shadow. It'll be a little too much.

   As I get dressed I think about the boys sticking up for me, being there when I woke up, asking me to go to lunch with them, asking to next to me, calling me pretty. It all seemed too good to be true. But I liked it. After all the years of being the school nerd, been spat on, bullied, called a bitch, stupid, ugly, a hoe, and things much worse, I'm finally getting treated nicely. 

  I smile to myself, realizing I finally have some friends. I can't help but thinking that things might be getting better from here. 

   I finish putting on my clothes when I hear my phone ring. I run into the bathroom where I left it. I pull my phone out of my jeans pocket. It was a text.

Hey Raines its Liam. I wanted to know if you wanted to meet and the boys at Nando's for dinner tonight?

Oh yeah. I forgot to tell him. 

Me: I'll be there but today's my birthday and I already made plans with them. I'll get my parents to leave early so I can just sit with you guys afterwards.

Liam: It's your birthday and you didn't tell me?!

Me: We just met today Liam

Liam: I know but still

Me: I have to go get ready I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks for inviting me, though

Liam: OK, see ya! (:

Diary of A Teenage Nerd (A Liam Payne Fan Fiction) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now