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YN looked down at her food enjoying every bite. She turned to see her 'boyfriend' the word made her die inside. Why her parents would ever think she'd stand him, she didn't know.

"I have to go." YN said. Her parents nodded. She walked out towards the café next door.

"Hey Cutie!" YN turned to see a cute boy walking beside her.

"My name is YN." She said and he laughed. "What?"

"You're doing this cute face..."YN rolled her eyes and smiled. Ugh he is so cocky it's almost cute.

"Thank you." YN said. "You know I have a boyfriend, anime boy..."

"No you don't. If you did or at least liked him like that, I wouldn't be here. Second which one?" The boy said and YN blushed.

"Kirito from sword art online....." His eyes lit up.

"That's my favorite anime.....Asuna." YN blushed crimson as the boy laughed.

"What's your name Kirito?" She said whispering the name in his ear as he blushed. She giggled at that.

"Hiro Hamada. Asuna." They laughed and talked for hours then exchanged numbers as they left. This continued for months until this happened.

"Will you marry me?" The word flew out of her 'boyfriend's mouth like bullets. But then the music started.

You ain't going nowhere long as he's the driver
You can ride with him but he'll never be the same
One look at ya tells me that you wanna be taken higher
See the problem is you wish he could make you feel the way I do

YN smiled and ran towards the stage and saw Hiro, Baymax, Fred and Tadashi. She smiled and looked in the bleachers to see Gogo and Honey Lemon. She stared at Hiro smiling.

Why waste time when you know I got it
C'mon girl you know you want it
You know it's impossible to get what you're looking for
From him he can't do it
Like me I'm goin' prove it I got a question can you help me out

YN blushed as he winked at her. The boys behind him were smirking.

How many people can do it like me ZERO
Keep it so cool like me ZERO
Girl you know there ain't nobody nobody
Else that can make it so hot like me ZERO
Take it to the top like me ZERO
Girl you know there ain't nobody nobody ZERO

She also screamed Zero with all of the others.

It ain't a good look without me in your corner
You can rock with him but he'll never fill my space
One look at him tells me that he ain't the right one for you
I don't understand why you settle being here in second place

YN laughed a bit. She knew he was right.... She loves him...

Why waste time when you know I got it
C'mon girl you know you want it
You know it's impossible to get what you're looking for
From him he can't do it
Like me I'm goin' prove it I got a question can you help me out

He had a cocky grin like usual... That was one thing she loved about him.....

How many people can do it like me ZERO
Keep it so cool like me ZERO
Girl you know there ain't nobody nobody
Else that can make it so hot like me ZERO
Take it to the top like me ZERO
Girl you know there ain't nobody nobody ZERO

He reached out for her hand and like a reflex she took it without flinching.

There's only one guy that can make you feel right that's me, myself and I
So why even try to make it work
With him only you know I'm the original

He was holding her hand tighter. She knew why, only she could calm him down. She held his hand and squeezed. Noah was there.

How many people can do it like me ZERO
Keep it so cool like me ZERO
Girl you know there ain't nobody nobody
Else that can make it so hot like me ZERO
Take it to the top like me ZERO
Girl you know there ain't nobody nobody ZERO

He was there. Hiro looked her in the eyes and smiled. He let go and began to dance.

How many people can do it like me ZERO
Keep it so cool like me ZERO
Girl you know there ain't nobody nobody
Else that can make it so hot like me ZERO
Take it to the top like me ZERO
Girl you know there ain't nobody nobody

He pulled her close and whispered he was sorry and kissed her. Then all hell broke loose.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH HER?! LEAVE MY FIANCE ALONE." Noah yelled getting closer towards the two. "YOU ARE NOT A MAN BUT A COWARD."

"WATCH THIS COWARD KICK YOUR ASS!" Hiro screamed attacking Noah. You could tell Hiro won.

"STOP IT!"YN yelled. Two men grabbed her. Hiro was now DESTROYING Noah. "LET GO OF ME." She screamed squirming.

"YN don't make this difficult!" Her father yelled and Hiro was now being beat up by two boys. The gang was trying to separate them. Hiro took a glance at YN and let go. Tadashi saw the bomb and covered his brother's mouth and eyes. Everyone was either gone or asleep now.

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