The Wrong Side

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(I swear I hate myself for basically abandoning this for a month! I'm so sorry guys!!!)
I stand behind the line of fire, healing the injured. I begin to notice less injuries as the battle turned to our advantage. I creep forward to the front lines and start healing Jack, since he's the only one I really know right now. He glances back for a millisecond before going back to his gun.
As I watch the battle, I recognize Talon's attack pattern. Their trying to salvage the battle without me by trying to change to their most powerful strategy.
"Hey.... hey Jack?" I poke his shoulder.
"Hm," he grunts. I guess that means talk.
"Um... shoot that guy." I point at the squad leader that's leading the attack strategy. "I, I recognize their formation and know how to shut it down-." Without another word needed by me, the guy is down and Talon begins to fall back.
"Good eye, doc."
Doc.... what a comforting word. It makes me feel nostalgia for a past I don't even remember. Strange. Surely this could trigger lost memories. I repeat the word in my head and wait. Wait. Wait for a simple flashback. It could be a second long for all I care, I just need something! I sigh. Nothing. This is too difficult.
     As I am lost in thought, a loud yelp pierces the air with its pain. A flash of blue appears beside, but it keeps flashing...? I see the British girl next to me, she's constantly moving and appearing and disappearing.
     "Merc-.... Mer-.... Mercy-.... he-.... help!..." Her voice is faint and cutting in and out, but I can sense the urgency. I look down to see the contraption on her chest has a nice clean hole in it. I recognize that hole. I've seen it from someone who bothered the wrong girl in the base.
     I immediately shield myself behind a pillar and call out to Jack to do the same.
     "What," he grumbled.
     "They... they called in the-the Widowmaker!" I point at the glitchy Brit.
     He sighed.
     "We can't stop fighting just because of that. You get hit, you get hit. You get killed, you walk it off." Jack jumps back into the fight. I stand there, open mouthed, at his brutal logic.
     I sit worriedly behind the pillar. I can't sit here forever, I'll be useless. I need to help, but, they'll take me out so fast. I sigh. This is my duty. To protect those who need me and to save the fallen, no matter what it takes. I step from behind the pillar and fly to the nearest injured man, which is, mistakenly, extremely close to the very front lines.
     I stand out in the open healing, as many as possible. Suddenly, bullets whiz through the air, slicing through my men faster than I can heal. I turn to fly to other men farther back. ... Why aren't I moving..?
     I hear a quick cutting noise right by my ear. Immense pain fills my shoulder and I collapse on the ground. I was shot. I just need to lay still and wait for my suit to do its job. Waiting... waiting... the pain only grows.
     A horrid thought fills my mind. I turn my head to my wings. I press the button on my sleeve that activates the flaming wings to scare off attackers. I stare as I jerkily press the button. No fire, no nothing. I panic as I continuously press the button to no avail.
     More bullets wiz past my head and puncture the ground next to me, leaving a small dent. Strange, she's clearly shooting at me, but missing on purpose... Well, since I'm not healing, I need to move. I slowly turn on my stomach and begin to crawl to the Overwatch agents far off.
     "Now, now, 'Doc', running off so soon?" I'm pulled into the air by my wings. I yelp as the sudden movement makes my arm swing, hurting my shoulder. "That wouldn't be fun. I mean, don't friends stick together?" The honeyed voice chuckles behind me.
I slowly turn my head to meet the cold eyes of Sophie.
     "Hey lovely!~ You seem to be fighting on the wrong side, huh?"

Stolen Memories: An Overwatch Devil Mercy AUWhere stories live. Discover now