Back to the Picnic

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After my first mission, things had fallen into a pretty basic routine. I wake up, visit the med bay for a few hours, go to combat training, usually go to a meeting, and then back to sleep. Although it seems boring, it's really more. I get to see and help so many different people at the med bay and I learn different techniques for fighting during my training. Occasionally, I will be given days off after a certain amount of days working, in which I usually go on picnics to relax. Which brings us to the present (ye remember when I started this story she was on a picnic during a break day? Yea we're back there now). I was nomming away at my yummy sandwich, watching the birds sing, the squirrels skitter around the trees, the small helicopter landing in front of me. Yeah, apparently this is a thing.
I jump up and put my sandwich in my mouth to hold because it's too good for the ground. I search my pockets for my pistol, but I only find a walkie talkie. I normally leave my pistol at the base when I go out... I take a bite of my sandwich to calm myself down. I try talking into the radio after pushing the button, but it is knocked out of my hand by a... shuriken? Is that what it's called? I stare horrified at my only savior is now on the ground throwing out sparks like they're some employee at a fair trying to get you to enter some contest throwing out tickets.
I look up at my destroyer, but am met with a glowing green visor... again. This time they were standing in the open doors of the helicopter.
"Would you like to go see the town near here?" What. Ok, so, this guy from Overwatch who was previously fighting against my troops is now standing in a still running helicopter offering me a ride to go see a town? Nah bro imma go back these are some red flags right here. Probably another kidnapping attempt, I ain't doin that shit again. I start to run towards the base. The ninja lands in front of me. Bruh.
"Dr Ziegler, hear me out. I am offering you the chance to go outside for once, maybe try some new foods or clothes. You have to consider this for your own health. You need a break from work." I take another bite if my sandwich thoughtfully. This guys isn't gonna let me leave. Maybe if I go, I will be able to get some information!
"Alright, Fine. But you're paying." I walking proudly onto the helicopter with my head held high. Let's see where this goes...

(AYE LOOKIE THERE! It's short again!!! Sorry about this chapter being weird. It's late, I wanted to write, I felt sarcastic. Please don't judge (). Not everything will be written like this. Until next time! ٩()و)

Stolen Memories: An Overwatch Devil Mercy AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin