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I wake up strapped to a metal chair. A man with a clipboard that I recognize as the man from earlier sits patiently in front of me. I glare at him. If looks could kill, he would've never been born. But the man doesn't seem bothered.
"Talon is good," he said in a calm voice.
"What...?" I was extremely confused.
"Talon is good," he repeated.
"I don't understand. What's going on?"
"Talon is good." He won't say anything else, so I'll go first.
"Talon isn't good! It's an evil organization that ki-!" I was interrupted when a horrible, electric sensation filled my body. It was like being shocked with a taser meant for bears! I bite my tongue to not scream. They won't see me hurt.
"Miss Ziegler, you do not seem to understand. Who was shut don't by the government?" The man carries on as if that thing never happened. I ignore his question and look away, chancing the taser again.
I shouldn't have chance it though. The shocking came back but worse than the first time. I yelped when I bit my tongue into bleeding.
"Who, Miss Angela. And you have to answer, or..." The man gestures towards the chair I'm in.
"....Overwatch." I sigh. This man is still wrong though. "Overwatch doesn't kill pointlessly though! They have a purpose."
"No, they do not."
"Liar," I scream. I feel a warn jolt of electricity.
"Careful now, the chair doesn't like loud people. Anyway, you did not left me finish. Overwatch even hated itself. Remember when it snapped. Two agents died."
I stay silent as the memories of the
scattered bodies of soldiers and the destroyed body of... him... comes back. The memories are painful, soul crushing. I want them gone.
"And 'poor' Overwatch didn't even give you the money or tech you needed to even save one person! Isn't that a little sketchy?"
I speak, but in a low and quiet tone. "That's because the government stopped funding us because of the hate from the people. Everyone hated us..."
"And why was that? I'll answer for you because you don't know. It was because of little Blackwatch. Blackwatch files were leaked and all the people the mercilessly killed were discovered. Those people had families and friends."
"Blackwatch killed the evil." I didn't know much about Blackwatch, so I pretended to be confident.
"It seems you have never seen those files, huh? Here," he slides an open file across the table to me. "This is the ratio of 'evil' dead to innocents dead."
"This... can't be true." That ratio was horrifying. Next to the ratio was the actual numbers. 1/5. Every one person that was evil died, 5 innocents were killed in the process. I couldn't bear to read the actual numbers. I turn my head away. I hear the man chuckle. "So what if all of Overwatch wasn't good!"
"Ah, lovely, you seem to forget that Overwatch also have a bank saving thousands of dollars for it." My eyes widen.
"If they had that... why didn't they give it to me to help my work..."
" Because they didn't believe you were a good person." My head snaps up to stare at him. "Allow me to explain." I nod vigorously. "We have found a recording of a phone call between the two heads at Overwatch before it fell." He puts a cassette tape in a small radio.
"Hey," Morrisons young voice fills my ears.
"What's the problem now," I hold my breath in shock as Gabes young voice filters into the room. That's the man I couldn't save... speaking?
"I think we need to cut down an agent. It's getting expensive."
"Use money from that vault you have."
"That's for emergencies."
"Well then, get rid of one agent we don't need. Who is the most expensive and non useful one?" I hold my breath.
"Well... Angela."
"I thought so too. She refuses to fight and constantly needs money. Who knows if her experiments work. She never tells and only asks for money!"
"Yes, she came to me this weak asking for more money saying she was close, but refused to say to what. She's supposed to tell me!"
"Ok, you tell her, she's in your area!"
"But you helped! Can't we both do it."
"That would be too much for her weak self. We'll decide later." The call shuts off.
I feel tears forming in the corners of my eyes. I really am useless. I couldn't even save them...
"Do you see, Miss Angela?"
"I'm so useless," I repeat. "I couldn't even get my projects done on time." The tears welling in my eyes have spilled over and I'm now crying quietly.
"There, there." The man walked over and dried my eyes with a cloth. "Talon can help you if you let them. Remember, the government hasn't tried to shut them down."
"I can't be fixed." My words are empty, like me. I have no purpose. I'm only useless.
"Ah but you can! Talon has helped many throughout the years, and you don't have anywhere else to go. Funding is running low on the new Overwatch now."
I think, long and hard. I really do have nowhere to go. Overwatch hates me. "...Alright. Fix me. Make me useful."
"Great! Now repeat after me: Talon is good."
"...Talon is good."

(Ello! I had to do research for this one, so I hope you enjoy!)

Stolen Memories: An Overwatch Devil Mercy AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora