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(Hey howdy hey. I would like to thank SoundCloud and Pinterest for helping me focus and pick fancy words with the meanings I need :P)
Sophie's POV (switchin it up a bit)
      Where are those idiots. I left Mercy in her room to talk to later while I go up to the tech floor to speak with her technicians. I stand in the elevator with a face of stone that keeps the others in here out of my way. When the doors open, I walk out with purpose that makes others part like the Red Sea. Usually people stay out of the way, but one brave jerk decided he didn't want to move. So I slammed shoulders with him. He ended up on the ground trying to catch his breath while I walked on. Where are those fucking idiots.
     I open the doors into a small, dimly lit room with panels of confusing stuff that is not my department. I grab on of the men there who looks to be in charge and barrage him with questions.
     "Why did I find the doctor out in the town talking with an Overwatch agent." There is not a drop of kindness in my voice nor should there be.
     "Relax. She decided to go,"
     "You aren't supposed to let her. She hasn't done enough to have complete loyalty to Talon yet. What was the point of us installing this hardware in her if you aren't using it?"
"Woah there, queen bee! You realize that can do damage to her memories and we were told to use it in emergencies. So step down from your high horse, cause you don't know everything around here."
"I'll step down and shove my foot in your a**! I am the leader of this project. If anything goes haywire, I will be blamed. I don't know if you've met my boss, but I will not fail this. I ain't dealing with those consequences."
"Fine, fine. It won't happen again."
"Good, cause if it does," my eyes shimmer with a fire of wrath and hatred," You better run." I turn to walk out the room when I hear one of the men whisper something about my foot in their a**. Idiots.
I'm turned around in a flash. Meanwhile, there's a real flash flying right past the man's head. His terrified eyes turn to see the army knife sticking out of the wall next to him. I skip over and pluck the knife from the wall where a minor dent now resides.
I slam my foot into his gut. "That's the only place my foot can go right now," my honeyed voice says with a smile. I strut out the door, happy to hear groans of pain from the man's bruised ego behind me.
Now the doctor must learn about the bad people out there.

Mercy's POV
I sit patiently in my room. I know Sophie is going to arrive soon and scold me, the scary part is when... which ended up being ten minutes later.
"Ah," she sighed, voice weary. "Sometimes I wish people would understand that I know more than them." She sat into my cot and patted next to her. Um... oh! I go and sit next to her.
"Can I ask why you went with them at agent?"
"Um, I thought I could, uh, get... information?" I'm so nervous I'm almost shaking. When is she going to get mad?
She sighs. "Sweetheart, That isn't your job. I'm glad you were trying to help but you're with the medical department. I don't want you to try and help then end up getting hurt. So, please, stay in your job department and let others worry."
"Ok..." She only seems tired, not mad...
"Anyway, did he tell you anything?"
"He only asked me how I was, like he knew me or something! He was wondering how I was doing and if I was happy. I told him yes, by the way."
"Did you get a name?"
     "He said Genji, I think? The name feels familiar, it's unsettling..."
     "He probably hurt you while you were with Overwatch, I would keep my distance if I were you."
      "Yeah, you're probably right. I need to be careful. I'm sorry."
      "I was only worried about you. I don't want to see you getting hurt anymore."
     "We have another mission soon. The tech and medical departments have a surprise for you, but it will only happen during battle."
     "Oh really! Wow, that's so nice!"
     "Well, what are we? Evil?"
     "Hmmm," I giggle. "Nah, you guys are good."
     "That's nice to hear from a goody goody like you."
     "Goody goody! What do you mean by that!?"
      "Weeeell, you always follow what your leaders say."
      "That's because they're leaders!"
      "But don't you want to be a leader?"
     "I didn't get to my position now by following the rules. All the girls here never followed the rules. It's good to do sometimes."
      "How do I become a leader?"
      "The same way I did and everyone else did, you fight."
      I nod. I can feel confidence and determination surging through my veins. No one will step on me again.
     "Now, I gotta go get some stuff to the other agents. Think on what o said alright?"
      "Ok.... thank you." She turns and leaves. I can see her confidence in her walk. Where did she get hers? She was probably born with it. Lucky her.
     I think I will do my best now. I will be better than before. I will break the chains Overwatch put on me to make me feel weak and unable to fight. The society out there will no longer apply to me. I will show them all what I'm really made of.
     I put my hair in a tight pony tail and go to the shooting range.
     I practice for hours. My hands still shake a little, but I'm getting a little better already. I go to my room for bed. I let my hair fall and I feel power in my steps. This must be how Sophie feels. It's amazing. Time to become a leader. It all starts here and now, with my mind set. Nothing will scare me. I am ready. I am strong.

(Hey. Just wanna say sorry and FUCK UPDATING SCHEDULES! ILL GET A SCHEDULE WHEN MY LIFE GETS A SCHEDULE! Ok sorry. I've just been mad at myself for not updating. I've put a lot of myself into this chapter, so I hope you enjoy!)

Stolen Memories: An Overwatch Devil Mercy AUМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя