Old Friends

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(So this is now a first person POV of Mercy. Please enjoy(づ◔ω◔)づ)
I had just landed. I was greeted by the smell of the nearby water and the sounds of the wrying helicopter that dropped me off flying away to another mission, leaving me by myself with my bags. I began to wander towards the building that was Gibraltar base and got increasingly worried. What if everyone had changed? What if no one likes me for not keeping in contact with them? What if--?!
With a quick flash of light, I was ambushed and smothered with a hug by an overexcited Brit. I was surprised, to say the least. When she pulled off, a waterfall of words flooded from her mouth.
"Love! It's so great to see you again! I can't believe this. You haven't changed one bit with you're pretty self, eh?"
I sighed. "Hello Lena, it's wonderful to see you too. You haven't changed either I see?"
"Oh y'know," she said gabbed lazily, "just got myself a beautiful lady." Lena smiled happily. "She's really kept me company!"
"That's wonderful Lena, could you show me to the others?"
     "Oh." Lena giggled, embarrassed. "Yeah, I was just so excited to see ya, love! C'mon, everyone is this way. We got some new recruits, too!" Lena zipped ahead, leaving me to follow her blue streaks she leaves in the air. It appears Lena is the same, happy girl I once knew. Let's just hope that's how it is with everyone else too...
     I follow Lena into a large conference room where people where sitting around, talking. It seems that they are waiting for everyone else to arrive. Lena skips forward to talk to Winston. I stand nervously at the doorway. This is so many people I'm not used to being with. I decide to go to the one face I feel comfortable with.
     Genji is talking to his master, Zenyatta is name,I think. I walk up to him noiselessly, as I'm scared of the attention from others. He notices me immediately and bows. "It's wonderful to see you again, Dr. Ziegler." I can hear the smile in his voice. He knows he came call me by my first name!
     "Genji, please, it's Angela," I lectured.
     "Oh, I guess that is the hello I get after not seeing my favorite doctor for awhile, huh?"
     "Genji, its good to see you," I say sheepishly. "Would you mind introducing me to your master?" I gesture towards Zenyatta.
     "Ah, yes. Dr. Ziegler," he emphasized on the "Ziegler". "This is Zenyatta, my master. The one who helped me find myself."
"Greetings, Dr. Ziegler," Zenyatta said calmly. He seems very peaceful, I can see how he helped Genji.
"A pleasure to meet you," I said, smiling, "but please, call me Angela. I prefer that friends call me that to make it more informal." I glance over at Genji, prepared to glare at him, but see that he is looking out to the crowd. He's probably looking for people from the old Overwatch, most likely Jesse.
"Alright Angela," Zenyatta continued, "I see you know my pupil, Genji?"
"Indeed. I was the one who was able to keep him alive and give him his cybernetics," I chided proudly. "But, last time I saw him face to face, he hated himself. He hated me..." I trailed off sadly, looking down as I felt the guilt from putting Genji in a new body without his consent. I felt a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"Fear not, Angela. Genji has learned to accept himself and he has learned to not hate. He certainly does not hate you. In fact, I believe he cares deeply for you, based on all the letters he tried the write you."
"I guess you're right... but I still can't help but feel his hate was because of what I did."
"Miss Angela, you should join me and my pupil for a meditation session to help clear your mind of negative thoughts."
"I might take you up on that offer...-" As I began to thank Zenyatta, I was cut off by a learned voice that I once knew from the golden days.
"It appears everyone is here. Wonderful!" Winston strides to take his seat at the head of the table. "Welcome, former and new Overwatch agents," Winston announced.
As Winston began to go over the basic Overwatch rules that I've heard dozens of times, I allowed my eyes to wander around the room full of faces. Across the table from me looked to be a bored young girl with.... chips? Pink chips on her face?! It must be paint. Anyway, she looked to be half listening and half playing on a device. Next to her was a very enthusiastic, but not as enthusiastic as Lena, young man whit dreadlocks and headphones. He's probably listening to music.
I look next to me to see Genji making not-so-subtle hand gestures to two men across the table from him. One that looks slightly like a pufferfish with his hair sticking out from behind his ears, was visibly annoyed with Genji. The other had a dorky smile that I recognized all to well. It was the smile he wore when he walked into my office with a broken arm but tried to play it off as a paper cut. I guess Jesse really hasn't changed.
My attention was snapped back to Winston as he began talking about our first mission. Already? It would mostly be old Overwatch agent with a few new ones scattered in there. This was going to be a scouting mission, so no fighting was expected. I was to go with Genji, Lucio, Zarya, Lena, Torbjorn, and D.va. This was all ok with me, since it gave me the chance to practice again. Now we wait.

(Heeeeey! Sorry this took waaay to long to get out. I wanted it to be good and got busy. Anyway, thank you for you're support. You don't now how much it means to little ol' self conscious me. Next time I will try to get this out sooner!)

Stolen Memories: An Overwatch Devil Mercy AUWhere stories live. Discover now