The Missing Medic

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I open my eyes. Brightness. Words. They sound kind. Should I answer? What did they say? The brightness is to much. I hear a soft female voice.
"Miss Angela, how are you feeling?" It's sounds distant, but I can feel it's close. I try to make noise to answer. All that comes out is a feeble yelp.
"Oh! Please try to not use your voice. You've been in a coma and your voice must be rough." Coma? But last time I was awake I... wait. When was I last awake? I give her a small thumbs up.
"Great! When you feel up to it, please try to sit up and stand." As my eyes are adjusting, I see a thin, golden brown-haired girl with icy blue eyes is the source of the sound. Her light, gentle voice offers some sense of comfort and safety. I struggle to sit up to see more of where I am.
It's a room. It looks like it belongs in a children's hospital, filled with paintings of happy trees and butterflies. Hospital. I know hospitals. I worked at hospitals. I'm a doctor.
"Miss Angela, I am Sophie. I will be your guide to getting over your amnesia."
"What happened to me," my weak voice manages to croak.
"Ah, you were on a field mission and the enemy, Overwatch, caught you. They messed with your brain and turned you against us. When we finally got to you, they put you in a coma to try and cover themselves up. Luckily, we have special neurosurgeons here at Talon that were able to get the bad stuff out."
Field mission. I was a field medic. Overwatch. I get a bad and guilty feeling when I think about them. Talon. The word "good" comes to mind. Talon rescued me. I am safe here.
"What now," I questioned.
"Now you recover and remember. After that, you will train to become yourself again."

-In Overwatch Base-
[Narrator is speaking]

Genji has been huddled in his room since the day Angela was taken. People would often stop and try to listen in, but could hear nothing, not even crying. People tried to pry from Zenyatta, the only one allowed in because Genji had to let him in, but Zen respected his pupils privacy.
Inside his room, Genji was constantly staring a pictures of him and the missing medic. The only way he wasn't breaking down was because Angela told him to never cry unless she was there with him. He promised. When she was first taken, Genji refused to eat until Zen mad him, but he had his food delivered. No one has seen what state he is in, mentally or physically. Jesse is hoping he'll reach him soon.
Meanwhile, Winston and other agents are debating on what Talon wants with their beloved medic. They're best guess is to use her as bait or a hostage. They are still far off from planning a rescue mission. Stress and tension is high in the base, from the low exchange of words in the main room, to Genji's locked and forbidden door.

Stolen Memories: An Overwatch Devil Mercy AUKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat