Look Change!~

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      I stood outside a darkened room with two double doors in the front. Sophie said she had something to attend to and I can't be left alone in this place. As I was spacing out, a tall person with an owl mask briskly walked out the two doors, their cape swished like they were Dracula. I couldn't help but stare at the power the person held in their stride. The person seemed to feel my stare and looked back to see me gaze with astonishment. My face turned red with embarrassment and I averted my gaze. I heard a small snicker from the person while still looking down. Maybe they knew me?
     My thoughts were interrupted by Sophie bursting through the doors with pep in her step.
     "Ready," she questioned.
     "I think..." My mind kept wandering back to the cloaked figure. I could feel a connection. Perhaps something from the life I forgot? I couldn't place my finger on what emotion my brain had associated them with...
      "Is everything alright?" Sophie interrupted my thoughts, worry heavy in her voice. I looked up to her icy blue eyes to see concern. It looked convincing.
     "Y-yeah. I'm just wondering about any old friends I might've had but forgotten..."
     Her face dropped like a brick. Sadness filled her eyes and I wondered if I should've kept mum about this.
     "Awww, sweetheart! Don't you worry, you will have your friends. I will make sure of it!" Determination filled her eyes.
     I giggled.
     "Thank you, Sophie." She smiled.
     "Now! Let's take you to alterations! This is where you get your hair and make up done. Along with outfits and all that other shit. For your look I'm thinking of dyeing the hair, maybe some changes to color in the suit, maybe..." She trailed off as we entered a warehouse-like room.
It was big and people were moving in and out. There were mirrors with lights surrounding them like one would see backstage of a play. Sophie lead me to one of the mirrors. She waved over a professional looking person.
"I'm not very good at this makeup stuff," she laughed nervously, "So tell everything to this darling here! She can help make you fabulous! Now I'll be back a little later. I got paperwork." She made a frown that a puppy would make if they weren't always happy. "Have fun!" She skipped out of the room.
I shifted nervously under the women's professional gaze looking over my hair.
"What would you like with your hair. It's been required that you have it dyed in some way."
"How much of it dyed?"
After a few hours, I had a new look. The tips of my golden locks were dyed a deep red and curled. My makeup was centered around dark colors, but it didn't look edgy or weird. It looked semi-natural. They are still working on my suit, but I love the blueprints they have. In the end, I'm satisfied with my new look, and others agree. Sophie shrieked with joy when she saw me and my stylist, named Shigemi, looked incredibly proud. I lay in my cot in my quarters thinking back on a wonderful day. But, the cloaked person... The thought of me maybe knowing them is eating me alive. I guess sleep is necessary though. Oh well.

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