⊿9|| half naked encounters and hangings

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"Get out before I claw out your eyes!"

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"Get out before I claw out your eyes!"


Jessica had left the dropship seconds after she spoke with Clarke and Octavia. She needed to clear her head.

Her thoughts were being twisted back and forth, left and right. Jessica was starting to rethink every decision she ever made while in the skybox.

Luckily night had fallen so no one could see the insane look in her eyes as she wandered around the camp.

Did I really have to befriend John? I could have had countless allies but nooooo I had to stick with the grouchy dick John Murphy.

Did I really have to date that asshole Melvin? I mean what kind of name is Melvin? It's like they were expecting him to be a jackass. And he went on to tell people we had sex when really I saw his penis and laughed my ass off. It was the size of a tic tac!

Should I have made up with Melanie? Should I have not gone as far as I did? Nah, that bitch deserved it.

Should I really let Jasper continue suffering? He deserves so much more than what he's got right now. Pain and more pain.

This was the question that had been haunting her since they brought him back, ever since she heard his screams.

Jessica needed to sit down. She quickly made her way over to the fire in front of the drop ship. Not a lot of people were around it, most in their tents or talking in groups.

Should I just end it? Should I just kill him?

Jessica couldn't believe that this is what the world had turned her to. She was thinking about killing one of the best people she's ever meet to save him. She felt sick.

If Jessica was forced to kill him, she knew she would die herself.

A strong wind burst through the camp, causing the flames to die down for a second before shooting back up again. Wisps of her hair flew around her, blurring her vision before it came to focus on a tent.

After a couple of seconds just staring at the tent, Jessica realized that she didn't have one. Pushing the thought of Jasper to the back of her head, she mustered up some courage before getting up and walking over to the biggest tent in sight.


Ignoring the moans and groans emitting from the tent, she walked in and started talking.

Resistance// b.blake [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now