⊿ 7|| emotions, terrible things that cause a world of pain

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"Trust me, Hon

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"Trust me, Hon. You don't want to know."


After walking off away from Bellamy,  Jessica realized that she was blushing about the small encounter they had, she felt embarrassed. She had only said what she said to mess with Bellamy but now it was messing with her. She loved to tease people, especially guys, but this never happened to her. She never felt this way because of a guy.

While she was walking back  in the direction of the camp, all that she could think about was that, Bellamy's smile and the way it made her feel. But she didn't know what to do about it.

Jessica had decided to go back into the drop ship and take a nap, feeling emotionally drained. She was casually walking to the drop ship when Jasper started screaming.

"Damn it." Jessica whispered to herself as she broke into a sprint, dashing past Octavia and up the ladder to see Clarke shoving a knife into Jasper's flesh. "What the hell, Clarke!"

"Stop it you're killing him!" Octavia yelled, the second she saw what Clarke was doing.

"She's trying to save his life." Finn stands between the two distraught girls and Clarke, his harsh voice stoping Jessica's and Octavia's shouts, Jasper's heart wrenching screaming taking up their silence.

"She can't." The group turns around to see Bellamy standing by the door, an indifferent look counteracting their heavy glares.

"Back off." Wells said, walking toward Bellamy until they were a few inches from touching one muscled chest to the other equally muscled chest.

"Yeah, get the hell out Barfamy." Jessica said, crossing her arms over her chest as she watched the two boys.

"Barfamy?" Octavia said, leaning forward to whisper it in her ear.

"Yeah just go with it." Jessica whispered back before she cleared her throat. "We didn't drag his body through the woods just for him to die! Hell, you carried him back."

"I only did it because you told me too!" Bellamy's north twitches after he says that and a blush covers Jessica's face for a reason she does not yet understand. "Kid's a goner. If you can't see that, you're deluded. He's making people crazy."

"Sorry if Jasper's an inconvenience to you but down here, every life matters." Clarke says, her voice as hard as stone, her glare just as intense.

"We're not in outer space anymore. Get used to it." With slightly blushed cheeks, Jessica nods to Clarke before moving around Bellamy to get out of the room. Right before she can get to the ladder, an arm shoots out and grabs onto her forearm, whipping her around to face them.

Resistance// b.blake [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now