6. Resistance and Obedience

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"Sshh. Sshh. Hush now." Kyra whispered "We don't want to wake everyone up." she said while patting Saber's head as he excitedly barked and wagged his tail "I'm not here to play Saber. Ssh!" she tried to calm the overjoyed dog.

Saber was like that since he was a pup when Aunt Vanessa got him for Erette, Jim and Garry, he would get very excited at unexpected play visits by her and Danny. "Now. Now. Saber..." she knelt down to face the dog and brought a dark woollen cloth close to Saber's snout while stroking his head. It was Jason's cloak that Erette had retrieved from the forest thinking it was hers.

"I want you to take me to wherever this cloth leads you to..." she continued to stroke Saber's head as he started sniffing at the cloth. I just have to make sure no one wakes up. I just can't screw up more than I already have...

She had packed a new backpack full of survival gear which was easily available in the villa since Erette, Jim and Garry seemed to keep it stocked up.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she saw Saber perk his head up Looks like he picked up the scent! She looked at Saber and smiled triumphantly "Good Boy!" she said while petting his head and he woofed loudly and waged his tail. Just as he was about to turn about to lead her to the origin of the scent, his head perked up again and he looked at her, no, behind her and woofed again waging its tail. Kyra was about to turn to look at what had managed to grab Saber's attention when she heard a voice that addressed her "And where do you think you're going?"


Erette woke up to the sound of wind rustling and gravel crunching, judging by the sky outside she guessed it was very late at night. She stood up and walked over to the window near her bedside table and looked out, everything seemed quiet and peaceful. Maybe just a dream or something... she thought while heading back to her bed when she heard an animal and she instantly recognised it, Saber? she thought. What set him off at this hour? She decided to go over to his doghouse and check what the fuss was about, she slipped her coat on from the coat rack and headed out.

She made her way down the stairs as the wooden planks squeaked with every step as her feet landed on the ground, it was so silent that her ears rang. I thought I had heard some noises near the kitchen backdoor. She reached the foot of the stairs and started to head for the kitchen. She was just passing the table with the telephone on it when it suddenly rang loudly making her jump from the sudden loudness of the ring, she cursed and picked up the telephone to make it stop ringing.

She tried to control the tone of her voice to make it sound calm and composed but she failed to keep the surprise out of her voice and said her usual greeting "Andrews enterprises, Duncanwoods?"


Kyra bit her tongue at her clumsy behaviour, being stealthy was not her forte. She slowly turned around to face the person who had caught her trying to sneak off into the woods, she could tell from the voice that he was angry.

She was very tempted to run off into the woods again but she knew her options. She did not know her way around the woods and Saber was distracted by the newcomer's presence and she knew she would need more time to get Saber to focus again. "Just strolling..." she knew it was a pitiful excuse and anyone could tell she was lying but she couldn't think of anything else and her mind went blank of all the possible excuses that she could make.

When she turned around to finally face him she was surprised to be greeted by a sad and worried face, she had expected him to be furious but he looked disappointed. "What are you up to?" Danny asked while sighing "You are seeing someone?" he asked Wait. What? Seeing who? Did he mean Jason? How did he know? What is he thinking?

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