5. Kidnapped

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Kyra found herself standing on a wooden floor with oak planks, she looked up and saw a bed in front of her, on it was lying a boy with tousled black hair, his green eyes partially closed and a blonde grey-eyed girl sitting beside him on the bed with a bowl filled with some food, they both looked about twelve or thirteen.

The scene was too familiar, the two kids in front of her weren't aware of her presence, a voice suddenly boomed from all around her "ARE YOU WATCHING THIS?" it asked, before she could react, the scene changed to a house, it looked pretty much like a normal house and she was facing the wall, on it was a painting of a blonde man who she didn't recognize. She turned around, away from the wall and saw a redheaded girl with bright green eyes sitting on a couch, she seemed to be drawing something on a sketchbook.

The scene changed again, Kyra was now in a place which looked something like a dormitory with beds lined up on either side of the wall but what had her attention was a blond girl sitting on one of the beds. She seemed to be talking to the big guy sitting beside her and Kyra instantly recognized this scene as well.

The scene was shifting to a new one again and the booming voice was rang in her head "ALWAYS WATCHING FROM THE OUTSIDE." she didn't understand what was happening, the scene in front of her finally changed to a forest, it was quite until an arrow whistled right past her head, almost grazing her hair, she heard tha arrow hit its mark behind her and a small squeak which sounded like a small animal. She looked at the spot from where the arrow had come whizzing past the trees and she saw a thin figure of a girl emerge from the tree, black hair and pale blue eyes, a quiver slung across her back and a bow in hand "WON'T YOU LIKE TO BE A PART OF THIS WORLD?" the voice boomed again she was about to answer it when it spoke again, though it was a bit shriller than before "KYRA!" What? the voice spoke again but it was completely different now and she recongnised the voice too "Wake up! Kyra!" It was Erette's.

Kyra's eyes snapped open, a nose sniffed at her hand and she turned her head and saw a husky with grey and white fur sniffing her hand. Saber. She then looked at Erette's worried and concerned face and then at the two tall figures that were casting shadows on her. "Where were you? What happened? Why do you look so pale? Are you hurt? Did something-" Erette's fussing was interrupted when Jim, the one with black hair and matching pair of black eyes, spoke "Hold your horses Erette, she just woke up, give her some peace." he said.

Kyra then recalled all the events that had occured, she immediately looked at her torso and touched her sides, it did not hurt at all, it was as if those snakes never touched her. What is happening to me? Was it all in my head? Am I going insane? Just then she noticed that she didn't have her backpack, she must have dropped it while she was running but where was the Santoku, it was with her all the while. "Did you find my backpack anywhere?" she asked them, she was worried about it because it had her phone, Erette shook her head "But Saber can find it, he is exceptionally good at finding things, he found you again, in the same state as before. You owe me and Daniel a huge explanation once we get back."

However, when they reached home Kyra was starving so she had to eat first and she was also soaking wet and covered in dirt so she cleaned herself up and after eating and bathing, she wore loose clothing and went straight to bed, knocked out cold. Daniel and Erette decided to let her rest first since was awake the whole night and didn't wake her up for explaining her whereabouts.

Kyra was not able to have a peaceful sleep and woke up to the evening sky and the wind blowing her hair and blankets, she looked to the side and saw the balcony doors open and the curtains flapped wildly as the wind blew. She stood up and walked over to the doors to shut them but when she reached out for the door handles she saw the forest land below dotted with trees and the edge of the huge clearing with the villa in the centre, where the forest began she saw a red blur.

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