What News

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Despite his own circumstances, Natsu was worried about Lucy.

Down in the darkness, he'd lost track of time. He was unsure of if he'd been locked away for mere hours or days. Maybe even weeks. But what he did know was that it had been a while since he'd felt anything from her through the bond.

He'd felt that surge of hope when his torture had begun. But since then, nothing.

Since Natsu had been locked away, he had not been fed. His body was weak from starvation and torture. Even when he had other things to do, Zeref made sure his torture never fully relented. He sent in his men every few ours to subject Natsu to the most basic of tortures. Keeping him from sleeping, beating him, they'd even branded him. The mark of Zeref's army, Tartarus, was painted in charred skin above his heart.

He remembered the raw desire he'd seen glowing in Lucy's eyes the last time he had been bare before her. He'd most likely never see that look again, even if he did manage to get out of the everlasting darkness. The mark was a brutal reminder of where he was forced to lay his allegiance. Would she still want him with that reminder staring her in the face?

Natsu repressed a flinch as the sounds of the door unlocking echoed through the darkness. What new round of torture would Zeref be giving him today?

"Natsu," His brother drawled as he entered the room, "Oh, do I have some news for you."

Natsu didn't even deign to look up, although he idly wondered what the news could be. He didn't know what fate had awaited Acnologia. Perhaps Zeref had done something to the dragon? Natsu didn't care if the beast lived or died. Acnologia could rot.

A harsh slap knocked him from his thoughts, his cheek stinging as Zeref growled at him.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you."

It was a bit of a struggle, but Natsu managed to raise his head enough to meet Zeref's eyes.

"What news brother?" Natsu's voice was scratchy as he tried to mock his elder.

Zeref didn't respond to the sass however. He merely smirked at his younger brother. He chuckled under his breath, the sound echoing through the room and setting Natsu's nerves on edge. He noticed his brother had not called for a seat, which meant he wouldn't be staying long. He had come to tell him this news specifically.

His heart began to race.

"What news indeed." Zeref grinned.

He seemed positively giddy. He even had to suppress a laugh. Whatever the news was, Zeref was delighting in telling him. Which meant…

This was going to hurt.

Oh gods, Natsu thought, Lucy.

A hundred thoughts flashed through his mind. Injured. Captured. Dead. Oh gods, oh hell, what had she done?

"The news, dear brother," Zeref spoke slowly, "Is about your dear heavenly princess."

Get it over with! Natsu wanted to scream, but he grit his teeth. Zeref would take even longer to deliver the news if he knew how desperately Natsu wanted to hear it.

Zeref seemed surprised at his lack of outburst.

"Don't you want to know?" He cocked his head, but Natsu remained silent. Zeref shrugged, "Well, I suppose this just proves how quickly love fades these days."

"What are you talking about?" Natsu blurted.

He was angry at himself for letting the words slip out, but it spurred Zeref on at least.

"Oh Natsu, I do hate to tell you this," Zeref mock pouted, stretching out the silence for as long as he could, "Fairy Tail made the announcement this morning-"

Injured. Captured. Dead.

"-Lucy is going to be married."

Natsu was so shocked he couldn't even process the smug look on Zeref's face.

She was alive, uninjured, and… engaged?

"W-Who?" Natsu finally managed, his voice barely above a whisper.

How long had he been locked away? How long had it taken her to forget about him? Had she ever loved him? Or… or was it all just a quest for information, like Zeref had said? Now that her potential source was gone, she could move on to better things. Brighter things.

Zeref laughed without humour at his question, but didn't see it fit to answer. Not yet anyway. Instead he gestured to the guards by the door. A single nod of their head and they came rushing into the room.

Natsu prepared himself for pain. His muscles clenching as they drew closer. A guard each took the chains on his wrists, he waited for them to tighten the restraints.

But they didn't.

They loosened them.

When the chains were removed altogether, Natsu slumped forward. His arms shook under his own weight as he fought to keep himself from falling face-first onto the cold stone of the dungeon floor. As he was bent over, the guards busied themselves with removing the restraints on his wings.

He could have wept when the leather straps were removed, although his wings screamed in protest when he tried to unfurl them. Zeref watched in silence as Natsu slowly stretched his wings. Natsu himself tried hard not to seem grateful for the relief.

When he finally managed to look up at his older brother, he found Zeref's features unreadable, but he knew there was something stirring behind his dark eyes. Zeref always had his reasons. And they were very seldom good.

"They haven't decided yet," Zeref answered his earlier question in a quiet voice, "They are picking her match as we speak. Do you think you can fly?"

The question caught Natsu off guard. He flapped his wings gently. Perhaps he could, but why? He was weak and starved. Even if he could take to the skies, he wouldn't last long. He'd need a miracle, or an extreme strength of will.

Zeref didn't wait for his answer. He grabbed Natsu by the hair hand yanked him from his cell, only letting him go once they were past the dungeon doors. Natsu stumbled slightly when he walked, his vision going black for a moment as his body adjusted to his sudden movements.

When his vision cleared, Natsu caught a glimpse of Acnologia through the darkness. The former dragon couldn't move an inch for all the chains that covered him. He snarled at Natsu through the bars of his cell, but Natsu only stuck his tongue out in response before the guards shoved him forward to follow after his brother.

The open air invigorated him a little once they reached the courtyard of the fortress where he usually came into land. Zeref hadn't said a word on the way up, but now he looked at Natsu with distain as he gulped in the fresh air. Despite what his brother had told him about Lucy, Natsu almost smiled as the weight of whatever magic had been keeping his flames from him was lifted from his shoulders.

The feeling of freedom was brief, quickly replaced by suspicion. Why had Zeref seemingly set him free?

"Hundreds gather at Fairy Tail to catch a glimpse of your precious princess," Zeref informed him, his eyes intense, "As you stand basking in the afternoon air, men are placing their bids. Money, armies, what would you bid for her Natsu?"

The world. He thought, but didn't say. Instead he merely scowled at his brother. What was Zeref playing at?

"Are you just going to stand there?" Zeref asked, he seemed incredulous, but Natsu knew it had to be an act, "Are you willingly going to let some meagre mortal take what is yours?"

"I don't understand," Natsu frowned, shuffling nervously on his feet, "What do you want me to do?"

"I want you do to what you want to do Natsu," Zeref insisted, but Natsu could see the malicious intent hidden in those eyes so very much like his own, "I want you to fly to Fairy Tail-"

Natsu sucked in a breath.

"-and ask your beautiful Lucy if she would do you the honour of marrying you."

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