Away from Prying eyes

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The sun was setting on the horizon when Natsu landed on the lookout of Vermillions peak. He thought he was running late, but Lucy was nowhere to be seen.

It had been harder this time to get away from Zeref. His brother had wanted them to dine together tonight, but of course Natsu had to refuse. Zeref did not like that, and Natsu could sense that his brother knew he was lying when he claimed to be in need of a hunt.

It was likely Zeref would watch him once he'd finished his meal.

He'd have to leave Lucy before then.

Natsu sat, his legs dangling over the edge of the lookout as he waited for her. As the seconds ticked by his anxiety grew. What if Lucy didn't show? What if she'd changed her mind? What if she'd finally realised the truth of what he was?

He thought of her. Her golden hair and warm eyes. There was so much about her that he didn't know, so much he wished he could ask. The question at the top of his list: why? Why did she treat him the way she did, even after all he'd done? Of course, she could still show up here with an army at her back, and he would still sit patiently waiting. Hell, she didn't even need an army.

Footsteps sounded on the rocks behind him. Soft, but fast. She was running to him and he did not know why. Perhaps she meant a surprise attack? To stab him from behind and kill him quickly? That seemed the most likely. He would not fool himself into believing she was eager to see him.

The racing footsteps got closer, and the next thing he knew a flash of light dazzled his vision and pain blazed up his arm. He roared, the sound echoing off the mountain as he watched his scales retreat from the light that blazed on his right shoulder, burning his skin.

He turned, the pain fuelling his rage. He raised a clawed hand to swipe at his attacker, but when he faced them, soft hands cupped his cheeks.

"Ssshhh, it's alright," Lucy cooed, her thumbs stroking his scaled cheeks, "I know it hurts, I'm sorry. But it was the only way I could think of."

Confused, Natsu felt his brows furrow. The pain in his shoulder was dying down now, little by little, so he let Lucy cradle his face as his breathing calmed down and he gritted his teeth against the last of the pain. His heart was still hammering though, even after the pain was gone.

She released his face once the light faded, and he looked to his shoulder to see a red mark painted against tan skin. As though his scales had faded to make room for it.

"It's the Fairy Tail emblem," Lucy explained, "I figured out how to stop Zeref from spying on me, so each member of our alliance has one now. I thought you should too, so you can have some privacy."

He knew what the mark was. He'd seen their flag flying on the battle field many times, their emblem painted in a different colour on each one. He'd seen it on Erza Scarlett's armour. He'd seen it painted on the cheeks of his enemies.

And now it was on his shoulder.

"Lucy…" He breathed as he turned his shocked expression to face her.

She wasn't wearing her armour, he noticed. Instead she wore simple clothes, something a squire might wear. Tight black pants and a long, loose fitting shirt. Strands of her hair escaped from her braid and fluttered in the breeze around her delicate features. She was looking at his shocked expression with a slight pink colouring to her cheeks before she smiled at him.

"I have one too. See?" She raised her right hand and there, panted on the back of her hand, was the same mark he now bore on his shoulder. Hers was pink.

He reached out and gently clasped her wrist, bringing her hand closer so he could inspect the guild mark. It looked just like a regular tattoo, but he could feel something more hidden beneath her skin.

"I-I know that just because you have Fairy Tail's mark, that doesn't mean you're with us," Her eyes avoided his and her voice was anxious, "But I know you're not against us either. Well, against me anyway. Or, I hope you aren't. If you want I could try change it-"

"No." He interrupted her, smiling softly when her eyes finally met his, "I like how looks."

Lucy let out a sigh of relief, smiling at him once more before moving to sit beside him. He watched her move, shifting closer when she too dangled her legs over the side of the cliff. He'd catch her if she fell.

"I'm sorry about the pain. And surprising you." She added sheepishly as she swung her legs, "The marks have some light in them, and I thought Zeref might be watching and it was better for him to see me attacking you than you accepting the mark willingly."

The mention of his brother made Natsu frown.

"How am I going to hide this from him?" He wondered aloud as he clasped his shoulder.

"Your scales will cover it." Lucy told him, "They'll come back, like before. The mark will only be visible in your human form, but its protection will still be there no mater what."

Its protection. Her protection, in a way. He looked at her as she watched the sun set, the fading light reflected in her eyes. He wished his fingers could create and not destroy, so he could paint the sight before him. A Princess watching the sunset with a monster. She'd be all soft edges and colour, and he'd be cutting and dark.

"Thanks." He told her, barely more than a whisper.

She looked at him from the corners of her eyes. Watching him watching her. Her cheeks turned pink as she smirked.

"You're welcome."

They sat on the lookout point and talked until long after the sun had disappeared. They were a little shy at first, not knowing what to talk about. Both of them laughing when they mentioned the weather. But they soon fell into a comfortable rhythm.

He discovered Lucy liked to read. In her youth, she'd often dreamed of being a writer. He remembered the stories she'd told him about the stars, and told her she'd make a brilliant writer. She smiled at that, so genuine and bright.

In turn, he told her about how he yearned for adventures as a child. How he'd wanted to explore vast lands and find many treasures. At that, she'd joked that of course a dragon would go hunting for gold and he'd laughed, giving her a smile of his own.

A dragon, not a demon.

He liked that.

Eventually Lucy began to yawn as she spoke, and despite how much he enjoyed her company he suggested that it was time for her to return home. She sleepily agreed, making sure that his mark was covered before she took her leave.

He watched her go, and was surprised when she looked back. She paused, her head cocking to the side as though she were contemplating something. He was sure he heard a giggle carry over the wind before she flashed him one more warm smile and left.

The night air brushed against his scales, and without her there, he felt cold.

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