Chapter 45

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It didn't matter what amount of pain wracked his entire being; just by being with Red made Rift numb to every bit of it. His heart was pounding so heavily in his chest he wondered if she could hear it— or feel it, even.
It was hard to wrap his brain around it all..
Red loved him??
It was like a dream come true...
Rift had grown to be so worried that he'd be forced to love her in silence for the rest of his days. A wolf's love was unconditional...
To force yourself to hold back for so long and then suddenly be told to let go...
The feeling was almost indescribable.
He wanted Red so close to him he pulled her to try and cover his entire body with hers. Something about her was just so magnetic he wanted her as close as they could allow. He wanted her so close, but... the young girl was cautious, and hesitated to get too close to him in fear of hurting him. Rift couldn't wait to heal...
Then he and Red could play and run and hug and kiss and...
"Rift..!" Red let out a flustered giggle as Rift found himself instinctively pressing his face into the crook of her neck. She smelled so sweet...
"Are you sniffing me...??"

"Maybe just a little..."


"Shhh, if you raise your voice too much you'll wake the other two..."

Rift's face grew more smitten by the minute as Red's face turned a satisfying shade of pink, unable to meet his gaze. God, she made him feel so...
"Rift, if you move too much your wounds will reopen...!"

"It's fiiiiine, just cuddle with me already. You're so apprehensive."

"Of course I am...! You're hurt and fragile, dammit...!"

"I'm not made of glass. Just get closer to me."



As much as she would've liked to, Red found herself unable to look away from his piercing puppy eyes that pleaded with her to close the distance.
Grumbling to herself, she scowled at him and decided her best option was to meet his puppy dog eyes with a firm stare.
"Let's try something, then."
Rift tilted his head. "Try something...?"
"Here, come on.."

Rift looked on and went along with whatever she was planning— Red's solution was to lay herself against the side of the pulled out futon against a cushion, where she beckoned Rift to lay against her, laying mostly across her lap. She was so soft...
Though he had been apprehensive at first, he relaxed easily against her. Content with the positioning now, Red relaxed and instinctively laced her fingers through Rift's hair, running her fingers through it gently.
Rift's entire being relaxed at her touch, his eyes falling closed, sinking further into comfort against her as he sighed in content.
The two fell quiet, laying together in silence, relaxation setting over them. Red's eyelids felt heavy and the motions of her hand through the wolf's hair grew lethargic, her hand starting to slide away. Rift's eyes opened at this and he turned to look at her.


"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be greedy, but can you please keep doing that until I fall asleep...?"

Red cracked open an eye to look at him in disbelief. "Seriously..?"
Rift smiled apologetically at her. "I'm sorry, it just... it feels so good and.. it's distracting me..."
Red's brows drew together as she eyed him. "You still hurt..?"

"...Mm... pretty bad... yeah.."

Relenting, Red let out a slow breath and pushed herself awake, pulling Rift close as she continued with the gesture of running her hand through his hair. He let out a low, contented sigh as he nestled into her. "... you're the best, Eve.."

"..I know..."

"... I love you."

A blush crept over her face as she quietly murmured in response, "... I love you too.."
Even though she was comfortable and warm, Red fought to stay awake until she was sure that Rift had fallen fast asleep..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2017 ⏰

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