Chapter 23

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-Red's POV-

I guess, at some point, I had gotten so tired that I managed to fall asleep there beside Rift. I hadn't even realized it, until I began to stir the next morning. Mind still hazy, my eyes were still too heavy to open, so I only shifted with a soft grunt and tried to regain my bearings.
I'd fallen asleep...?
My mind trying to grasp the situation, I tried to figure out where I was. I was... Laying down. My head felt slightly elevated, and my body felt like it was laying against something soft and warm. What was that...?
The more curious I got, the lighter my eyelids felt, and little by little, I started to crack them open.
I was... Still out in the hallway...?
Oh, that's right, I was with Rift...
Where is he...?
Attempting to blink past my haze, I squinted and looked around. I had only turned my head a little when the situation struck me like a baseball bat.
"Oh, you're awake."
My eyes shot open all the way and I gapped at a grinning Rift with a burning gaze.
There Rift sat, upright and leaned against the wall, with none other than me cradled in his arms, his lap and arms supporting my body as my head rested against his shoulder.
I instantly began to squirm, my face already burning.
"R-Rift...! What're you...!"

"Ah, hey...! Don't wiggle so much, you're gonna jingle the bell and wake the warden."

I stiffened at his words, refocusing on the little bell tied around his neck.
That's right... I can't wake mother. She'll kill us both if she finds us like this.
Relenting, I slowly let my body relax, though I didn't let up the scowl at Rift.
"Why are you holding me??" I whisper shouted at him.
He gave a toothy grin.
"What? You were holding me. I just wanted to return the favor."


"Cmon, you were shuddering. I just wanted to make sure you weren't cold."

I glowered at him, eyes narrowed.
"You could've just used a blanket like a normal person."

"I did, see?"

I watched as he reached toward my body and lifted up a corner of a quilt which was, indeed, wrapped around me. I didn't know what else to say to that, and Rift seemed to pick up on it, beaming triumphantly.
"It did get pretty cold last night... Hope you didn't catch my cold."
My eyes snapped open wide in remembrance of his earlier condition, and slammed a hand over his forehead. "Has your fever gotten any better?? Are you feeling alright??"
Rift groaned at the impact of my hand against his head, and raised his own to pull my palm away.
"I'm fineー though I might have a headache now..."
I gave him a look.
"I'm serious. You got pretty sick last night, are you sure you're feeling okay?"

"Never better, mom."

So he said, but moments after his words, his ears pinned back and he loosed a mighty sneeze. Raising a brow, I crossed my arms and gave him a look. Even still, he only shrugged.
"What? People sneeze."


He rolled his eyes and huffed. "Alright, alright, so I'm not in tip top shape."
I growled at him, interrupting. "If you're still sick, you should be resting."
In response to my words, Rift let out a childish groan, looking very much like an annoyed toddler in my eyes.
"But I don't wanna," he whined. "Resting is boring. I wanna play."
I couldn't help laughing out loud at him.
"What're you, 7?"


I laughed again.
"Alright. You get some rest and I promise I'll play with you all you want. Deal?"
Rift still looked pouty as he gazed back at me with a shake of his head.
"No deal. I wanna play now."
I sighed heavily.
"You're a handful, you know that?"
It wasn't a compliment, but still the wolf boy grinned his brightest and wagged his tail under him. I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help smiling. His energy was refreshing.
"Rift," I tried again. "I just want you to get better. You know that, right?"
His child-like demeanor seemed to relax to some degree and he scratched the back of his head.
"... I know."
I tried not to grin as my brain hatched a plan for a different approach. Keeping my composure, I executed it mercilessly like a lioness on the prowl.
"It's more fun to play with you when you're healthy... You know?"

"Well... Yeah... But..."

"I'm just worried about you..."

I kept my voice soft and steady, almost seductive as I pressed on at this new angle, already proclaiming myself victor this round as I gazed it his expression.
His cheeks were starting to turn a light pink as he looked back at me, seeming to have a harder time arguing now.
"I... I know..."

"I care about you, Rift. Can't you let me...?"

Leaving him speechless, I fiddled with a corner of his shirt shyly for extra effect, smirking inwardly as I felt him shudder in response. It could've been because of the fever, but I chose to believe it was because my little act was weakening him.
"Is it so wrong to want what's best for you...?" I murmured, still playing with the fabric of his shirt.
His voice was hoarse and high pitched as he struggled still to argue.
I fought a smile as I leaned my head back against his chest, where I could hear his heartbeat increase.
Hehe, I'm making him nervous...
You're too sweet for your own good, wolfie.
"I want to see you get better," I murmured sweetly. "Won't you rest for just a little while...?"
I nestled closer against his chest.
"For me...?"


This time, his trembling voice was almost a warning. Having to fight as hard as possible against a smirk, I raised my head to look into his face, batting my eyelashes.
I watched as a whole rainbow of emotions played across his face until finally, he scowled at me in defeat, his face visibly hot to the touch.
"Alright, alright, you win...!"
I laughed triumphantly, finally getting to wear that smirk I'd been hiding.
Rift, on the other hand, looked unamused.

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