Chapter 44

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-Red's POV-

I had to let him know or it was going to kill me. Deep down I knew this was terrible timing and it would've been better to keep it to myself but it was just too hard...
I just couldn't stand how much he was holding back from me. I wanted to see what he was really feeling. I had to tell him... right?
How was it even possible to be so ready and yet so not?
I was excited and terrified all at once.
I'd never felt such a sweet dread.
Rift seemed to be good at showing me firsts...
My thoughts fled as an index finger poked me in the forehead, and I looked down at Rift in confusion.
He reflected a similar expression back to me. "You're making quite the face there. Something on your mind...?"
I paused for a long moment, unsure of how to even answer him. Should I just spit it out...? Should I ease into it?
God, I had no idea what I was doing...
I'd never done this before, how was it supposed to go...?
I met Rift's eyes, my face surely too impossible for him to read.
How do I confess?
Well... how did Rift do it?
"Eve, you're kinda freaking me out there. What're you—"

I kissed him.
I hadn't even thought it through, one moment I was looking into his eyes, and the next...
My heart was racing so fast I could hear it ringing in my ears.
What am I doing...?? I.. I should've asked! Oh god, what if he didn't want me to..???
In a panic now, thoroughly shocked at my own actions, I quickly pulled away, cupping my hands over my mouth, utterly stunned.
Rift looked even more shocked than me.
"I... I'm sorry... er..."
Rift just gawked at me, his eyes wider than I'd ever seen them. "... wh.... y-you..."
God, I'm so embarrassed...!
I stammered blindly, struggling to explain myself, grasping at straws.
"I-I didn't... I mean... I just, I wanted... I'm sorry...! Um..."
My entire body stiffened as Rift reached out, cupping both my cheeks, causing me to stop immediately.
His voice was gentle enough it sent chills rolling through me.
"Shush up and do it again..."
I didn't even have time to process what he'd said before he eagerly leaned in close, pressing his lips firmly to mine.
Rift was kissing me again...
I thought I'd have a heart attack.
Somehow, this time felt different than when he'd done it before...
Rather than an intense burn, this kiss sent a warm wave through me, his touch sweet and pure.
Didn't want him to stop.
After a moment, he pulled away from me and looked into my face— blushing profusely, I was sure of it...
I couldn't manage to catch my breath, and it seemed that Rift was just the same as he gave a satisfied smile, exhaling breathlessly.
"You have no idea how many times I've fought the urge to do that..."
I didn't even know how to respond, so embarrassed and swept up in the moment I couldn't even think straight.
Chills went rolling through me as he tucked my hair behind my ear, raising his brows expectantly, grinning, looking perfectly aware of the effect he had on me.
"So? You gonna tell me what just happened?"

"... I love you."

The words came out effortlessly. I didn't even have to think about it— where most phrases I said passed through my head first, this did not.
As my words struck him, his expression shifted, his eyes widening.
"... you..."
He looked at me in utter disbelief, his ears perking. "You... you do...? Really?? Wait, what??"
My face grew redder by the minute as Rift gawked at me, leaning into my face in excited disbelief. "You love me??"

"Shhh, you're gonna wake up the other two..."



I tried my best to keep my squeals under wraps as Rift pulled me towards him with an unusual feat of strength for someone who was injured, yanking me into his embrace where he eagerly ruffled my hair, his tail thumping behind him.
"Awwhhh, you're so darn cute...!"


The excited atmosphere relaxed as Rift pulled away to look down into my face. "Eve, do you really mean it? Like, really? For real? Love love?"
I found myself unable to look directly at him, my face burning immensely as I gave a quiet nod.
Rift pressed a hand over his mouth, letting out a shaky breath. "This is probably terrible for my heart right now..."

"I know!" I ran a hand through my hair, my brows drawing together. "I-I wanted to wait, but I just..."

"No, no I'm so so glad you told me!"

Rift exhaled, scratching the back of his head. "I needed to hear something like that. It distracts me from all the other shit we've gotten into now..."

He glanced over at the two wolves crashed across the room; wolves that were now without a home.
Neither of us had a clue what we were going to do next...
I paused for a long moment.
"... how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, Eve. Don't worry!"

"Rift. How are you really doing?"

I stared him down with a blunt gaze, showing no room for mercy if he decided to lie.
He let out a light breath, but didn't wipe away his solid smile.
"...I could be better. It... hurts pretty bad, actually. I'm alright, though."

Looking at his heavily bandaged arms and chest, I let my hand naturally drift over to lace into his. He was so wounded... and it was all because I couldn't protect myself...
I wanted to be the one to protect him...
I felt so useless...
Rift's voice was soft as it broke through my cloud of thoughts.
"What are you thinking about, Eve...?"
I hesitated, tracing my thumb over his hand, my eyes never leaving the motion.
"... nothing really."

"Yeah, right..."

I could tell that he wasn't buying it, but I didn't want to talk about it now. Not quite yet..

"Eve, what's up."

I raised my head to look at him, my face more daring than even I had intended. "I don't want to talk. Just kiss me."
Rift's face shifted drastically.
"Oh, god. You found a new power, didn't you."

I couldn't help the smirk from winding across my face, leaning towards him in challenge. "I don't know, have I?"
I could hear Rift swallow.
"Damn... even you have a side like this?"

"Looks that way."

Rift's brows drew together, his expression looking helplessly affected, and it amused me to know that it was such a testing decision between his two options. After a moment, he sighed in defeat, a warm blush sweeping into his cheeks. "Maybe just... one kiss..."
I grinned inwardly in triumph and let instinct take over as Rift raised a hand to lace through my hair as he drew his face to mine, kissing me sweetly.
He may've said "just one" but it was definitely more than just  one kiss...

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