Chapter 40: The Final Judgment

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Mayra's POV

I overheard my parents talking about me and David. I heard what my mom said how I was diagnosed with Stockholm syndrome. What is that?! I took out my laptop and googled it. I read it on Wikipedia and I was shocked, but at the same time it's true. I am in love with David. How am I going to tell my boyfriend? Tomorrow's court so I'm going to get some rest.

Ruben Sr.'s POV

After our conversation I went for a drive. I need to clear my head for a bit. How could Mayra like David? Why did she kiss him? That part I really don't understand. It makes sense why she wanted David to be free, but what he did was unforgivable. Maybe Alicia's right. He's pretty young, but I'll have to think about it. Tomorrow's court.

Alicia's POV

I feel so bad and sad. Im sad for Mayra. I am a bit disappointed in her for Kissing David, but if she said it felt good, than it should be okay. And it's more stressful for her too, I hope Ruben softens his heart. He needs to calm down. Why would he want to put Mayra to a mental hospital? She's not crazy! I don't know what to do. All I can do is hope.

David's POV

I then arrived at my cell and went to my bunk bed. I just got done with my interview with Detective Richter. Tomorrow's a big day. I definitely know that Mayra's parents are going to be there, I wonder if Mayra is coming? I miss her beautiful face. I just want to hold her and kiss her. I wonder what she's doing? I hope and pray we can have the Plea bargain.

The next day

Mayra's POV

Today's the day. I'm really nervous about it. I have a really bad feeling that it's not going to go well.
"Ready?" My dad asked.
I nodded. We all left to the Pennington Courthouse. When we arrived, we went inside and met up with our lawyer. I saw my dad talking to her as I was looking for David and the boys. I couldn't find them yet. My legs started to shake nervously. That's when I felt a hand on it and it calmed me down. It was my mom comforting me.
"It's going to be alright." She said.
I nodded, giving her a half smile until I heard the doors open and I saw David and the boys. They looked tired and worried. I looked up at David again and I saw him look at me with a half smile. I half smiled back, and I looked at the judge and the jury coming in. Here we go!

3 hours later

It took forever. We all testified of what happened, we made sure that we were honest. I was able to speak what had happened and same with David and the boys. I jut hope that their sentencing is not going to be bad.
"Alright, lets proceed. I understand that the victim's family would like to make a statement." The judge said.
"Yes your honor." Regina answered. She looked back at us and my dad went to go up there. This cannot end well. I feel like I'm going to throw up.
As my dad went up to the stand he just glared at the boys for a bit.
"Your honor, I know I'm supposed to address to you but I'd really like to say something to the boys." He said.
"And I'll allow it." The judge said.
My dad then turned to the boys.
"I came here today to set a date for trial. I didn't... I just wanted revenge. You boys committed a crime kidnapping my daughter.... I thought it was my job to make sure you paid for it."
I looked over at David and he was looking sad and serious. The other boys looked down.
"But, my daughter is a wise young woman. She made me understand that the desire to get revenge and even is not the right way. The desire to keep you guys locked away would not work. There are many kidnappers all over the world, including you three... you'd never forget about it. It's going to be stuck to you until you finally understand." He said. I looked at him and started to tear up a bit.
"But I know that what was done is done. It's in the past, but one thing my family and I have learned, You can't change the past, we can never run from it. We can always learn and change. We just have to be willing to do it. And I know you boys can change and I do hope you get some help." He continued.
I looked at my mom smiling and tearing up.
"Your honor, on behalf of my daughter, we ask for as much leniency as possible when you hand down their sentences. That's it and thank you." He ended.
I was shocked! As he came down he sat next to me, smiled at me and kissed me. He really softened his heart.
"Well, you boys owe a debt of gratitude to the victim and her family, their compassion and love. Alright counsel unless you have any objections will you please come up so that we can discuss the sentencing?" The judge asked.
All of the Lawyers came up and discussed. I looked over to the boys and they smiled at me and they were shocked.
Then all the lawyers returned to their places.
"Alright let's proceed. Officer?" The judge said.
"The defendants will rise and face the judge." The officer called out.
David, Daniel and Chris stood up.
"First order. Daniel Evans and Chris Rodriguez, You're each sentence to 4 years of probation and 1 year of community service. And finally, David Castro, you are sentenced to 5 days in jail, and 5 years of probation doing 2 years of community service. And we're adjourned here." The judge said as she clicks her hammer.
We all got up. I was disappointed that David had to go back to jail for 5 days, at least he doesn't have to go for life. We all then left and I continued to work and spend time with my family for the next 5 days.

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