Chapter 5

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When I was finally able to completely feel okay after my accident, I didn't rest for one moment to try and find this Louis Tomlinson guy. I needed to confront him and see what his deal was. He was really confusing to me. He likes to torture me, but then he got help for me? No, I need to see what's up with him.

After researching him for what felt like hours in the office and school library, I found out his dorm number. So, before I knew it, I was walking up to his door. He was only one floor above me this whole time.

"Okay Harry." I spoke softly taking a deep breath. "You got this. He is just a person." I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "An insane person. But, he is a person. All you have to do is talk to him."

I then nodded to myself as a way of saying "you got this" and then I knocked. Before I could run away, a tan, muscular, raven haired boy with tattoos and piercings just like Louis, answered the door.

"Yeah?" he asked looking at me with bloodshot eyes.

"I'm here for Louis Tomlinson."

"He's not here." the boy spoke and went to shut the door, but I stuck my foot out to stop it. "What the fuck are you doing?" the boy asked.

"I know this is his dorm and I know he's here. I can hear other people."

The boy rolled his eyes.

"He's busy."

"Not busy enough." I spoke and shoved my way in. "I need to speak to him."


"He sent me to the hospital."

"You're the guy that threw up on Louis?" he asked with a cackle. "Oh my god. That was fucking hilarious dude."

"I'm glad you got your jolly's from that." I spoke looking for Louis.

"He's in there." the tan boy said pointing to a closed door. I went to open it, but he stopped me by saying, "I wouldn't if I were you."

"And why is that?"

"Just don't. I told you that he is busy."

"Too bad." I spoke and knocked.

I heard a "Yes!" shouted so I opened the door and screamed.

"Oh my god!" I shouted as I saw Louis laying on the bed getting orally pleased by some girl.

Louis continued to shout "Yes!" as I saw his body shake and his eyes roll back into his head. So, I imminently shut the door and sat on the couch, completely shaken.

"I told you not to go in there."

I just stayed silent, completely bewildered.

The boy laughed and sat down on another chair after turning on the t.v. for us to watch. Not five minutes later, Louis walked out with the girl that was doing something very unlady like.

Louis didn't notice me as he walked the girl to his front door.

"That was wonderful Diana." I heard him say.

"It's Olivia."

"Same difference."

I rolled my eyes.

"Hopefully we can do this again sometime though Lou-" she tried saying, but I heard Louis close the door, most likely in her face.

What a jerk.

"Zayn?" I then heard.

"What?" the raven haired boy answered back.

"Remind me not to hook up with my teachers daughters. It always gets me into trouble."

"Will do captain."

Louis then smiled and walked into the living room, but the smile left his face when he saw me.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I came- I came-" I stumbled.

"He came to talk." Zayn answered for me.

"About what?"

"Stuff." was all I could say.

Louis nodded with narrowed eyes and then walked over to Zayn and put his hand in Zayn's hair. He started to massage it gently and I could see Zayn physically loosen in Louis' touch. It almost seemed romantic. I think Louis could sense... most likely see, how uncomfortable I was, watching them together. So, he then leaned down, kept eye contact with me, and kissed Zayn right on the mouth. I could see his tongue go into Zayn's mouth and I turned away feeling uneasy.

"What?" Louis asked. "You homophobic?"

"No." I spoke.

"Then why'd you turn away?"

"I don't like any public display of affection."

"So you're a prude?"

"You could say such a thing."

"Wow, I've never met a prude who admits to being one."

"It's your lucky day then."

Zayn laughed at that and Louis rolled his eyes.

"So, what do you want dickhead?"

I held myself together at his language, turned back to him, and said, "To talk. I need to talk to you about what happened a week ago at the store."

"No fucking thanks."

"Louis, please."

"How do you know my name?"

"The doctor at the hospital told me. I could have pressed charges when I found out who you were, but I decided not to. So talk to me... or I will." I threatened.

Louis looked at me for a good minute with his head tilted to the side.


"Okay." I nodded. "Let's go then."

"To where?"


Zayn laughed and spoke, "Gross. No."

"Yeah." Louis nodded. "I'll drive then. Follow me."

I nodded, waved goodbye to Zayn and followed Louis silently out to his car.

When we got to his small black truck, I got inside, buckled up, and he backed out of the parking spot without his seat belt. I didn't say anything though about safety and to not make the car ride awkward, I saw him turn on the radio, right as a song started.

"Holy shit. I haven't heard this song in forever." he spoke banging his head to the beat.

"Sweet dreams are made of this. Who am I to disagree? Travel the world and the seven seas. Every bodies looking for something." I heard a man, with a creepy voice, sing through the speakers. I know this song, and this is not the version I know. Who is this by? I know a girl sings it... but who?

"Oh, this is the Eurythmics!"

"What the hell is that?"

"This song. It's Sweet Dreams by the Eurythmics."

"Uh?" Louis asked looking puzzled. "This isn't some lame shit. This is Marilyn Manson."

"Is he related to Charles Manson?"


"He should be." I spoke frightened as the singer creepily whispered into the speakers.

Louis chuckled.

"You should see his music video for this song."

"No thank you."

"You don't like to be scared?"

"Not really."

"You're hanging with the wrong dude then."

I looked at him in a "what am I getting myself into" look before he turned into a park.


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