Chapter 4

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What felt like an eternity later, I opened my eyes. I opened my eyes to a blinding white light and as I looked around the walls and the floor, they were just as blinding. They were all white and the light shined off of them right into my sensitive pupils.

"Where am I?" I asked allowed.

"You're at the hospital." a man answered back.

I looked over to see a male doctor standing and writing something down.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because, you threw up and passed out in the hall of your school."

"How did I get here though?"

"A boy turned you in."

"Niall Horan?" I asked. "He's my roommate."

"I'm afraid not sir."

"Who?" I then asked.

"A boy by the name of Louis Tomlinson. You should thank him."

"Oh, I don't know a Louis Tomlinson." I answered.

"Well, he found you, called 911, and made sure you arrived safely to the hospital."

I nodded.

"Now, would you mind telling me what happened to make you end up in here?"

"Well, I got into an altercation with this guy and he punched me a few times in the stomach. I already had a migraine, so with that pain as well, it made me throw up. I passed out though, because he pushed me and I smacked my head on the wall."

"Do you want to press charges?"

"I don't even know the guys name."

"Do you know what he looks like?"

"Yes." I nodded.

"I can call a sketch artist for you."

"Please?" I asked. "I would really like to stop him from coming after me again."

The doctor nodded and then left to get the sketch artist.

I sat up a little in my hospital bed and noticed that my migraine was gone. So, that was good news.

Pretty soon after I started to relax some, the doctor and the artist came in.

"Alright Mr. Styles, go ahead and describe the man who did this to you."

So, I did.

I described the boy that had been tormenting me on campus. I tried to get the best description of him. When I was done, it looked just like him.

"That's him!" I said pointing to the finished picture. "That's the boy that's been bulling me."

I looked up to the doctor who looked at the picture in pure shock.

"That can't be right." he spoke softly.

"No, it's right. He's been bullying me for the past week."

"Harry, he is the one who called 911 and helped you get to the hospital. That's Louis Tomlinson."

"What?" I asked shocked and puzzled.

"Yes sir. He helped bring you in."

"I can't believe that."

"It's true Mr. Styles."

I didn't say anything.

"Do you wish to press charges for assault?" He asked after a moment.

"No." I spoke.

He nodded.

"Now please, can the both of you go?" I asked.

The doctor and the artist nodded and left. But, before the artist left, he left the picture of Louis, the boy that had been cruel to me.

I looked at the drawing that was identical to him and could't believe that this boy, who had been so cruel to me, tried to help me when I was unconscious in my own sickness.

That didn't seem like him.

It's too hard to believe... but I do need to thank him.

After I get out of the hospital, I'm going to find him in school and thank him for helping me. Even though I shouldn't, he deserves my niceness just for helping me. Woe, I'm really too good of a person.

After those thoughts, I was discharged from the hospital a few hours later and was able to get a taxi back to my college. When I got back to my dorm to change, Niall and Taylor were waiting for me.

"Harry!" Taylor shouted and ran to me. She then hugged me in the tightest squeeze she could uphold and I hugged back just as tight. "I'm so glad you're okay! You're mom called after she got the call from the school. I can't believe that happened to you. I can't believe you ended up in the hospital. I'm so sorry this happened to you!"

"Thanks Taylor." I smiled and we both let go.

"I'm so sorry man." Niall spoke and hugged me next. "I can't believe that happened to you."

"It's okay Niall. Thanks." I said and pulled away.

"Are you going to press charges Harry?" Taylor asked me once I sat down on my bed.

"No." I spoke and shook my head.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean what I just said. No."

"But, that vile boy could have killed you. He seriously hurt you Harry."

"Taylor-" I started. "-I'm going to talk to him and handle this whole thing. Don't you worry. Okay?"

"Harry I don't think-"

"Taylor, no. I'm done talking about this now. Am I clear?"

"Crystal." she said with an eye roll and an irritated huff full of anger.

I then kissed her forhead.

"Now, please leave me alone so I can sleep. The doctor says I need it."

Niall nodded and said goodbye, before leaving with his guitar.

Taylor nodded and cuddled into my side so we could sleep together.

With that, I feel asleep, but not before thinking about talking to Louis the next day.


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