"Hello?" A thick accent I haven't ever heard echoed through the small building. Momma and I raced to welcome him. After we crossed the corner of the hall, my eyes started observing. He was sort of tall, blonde haired, and filthy. He had a small suitcase at his ankles. Must want a room.

"Hello," Momma smiled generously, "can I help you?"

"Uh, yeah actually," The man chuckled slightly, "I was wondering if you had a job for hire.." What?

"Really?" I asked to quickly. He can't be serious. A job? In the middle of nowhere? This is gold. If I was him, I'd be lookin' somewhere far, far, far away from here!

"Yeah." He smirked.

"What's your name?" Momma asked, grabbing a notepad from the front desk. Is she really thinking about hiring this stranger?

"Niall," He cleared his throat, "Niall Horan."

"From?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Ireland." He continued to smirk at me. Ireland? Explains his accent that is tied at his tongue. Why did he come to a small town all the way from Ireland? I ask myself too much questions. Ever so often he would turn to face my mother, then when I asked, he would answer with that damn smile.

"And how old are you?" Momma continued to ask questions, scribbling in the notepad as well.

"20." He replied. Shouldn't he be in collage? Before I could ask him all my questions, my eyes caught a glimpse of my bus speeding off on the dirt road.

"Shit." I growled, slapping my hand at the window. "Momma, I missed the bus!" I whined.

"Dammit Nevaeh! I warned ya!" She pinched the bridge of her nose in distress. "Now how the hell are ya gonna get to school?" Slamming the notepad on the desk, she entered the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee. She didn't sleep much last night. Her hand quivered around the mug.

"If it isnt much trouble," Niall spoke from witnessing our southern soap opera, "I could possibly take her to the school."

"Excuse me?" I raise an eyebrow at his offer.

"What a splendid idea!" Momma giggled with glee. Am I the only sane one in this damn building? I tugged at her sleeve to pull her into a corner while Niall finished his application my mother have him a while ago.

"We met him 20 minutes ago," I growled, "you can't possibly be serious!"

"Well I have work to do and that's your only option." She grinned and winked. Gross. What the fuck does she expect? I'm gonna have sex with a random stranger in his car? Pshhh, I wish it was that easy.

"But-" I start to protest with my finger in the air.

"Neveah, either go to school or you show him around. There's no doubt I'm gonna hire him." She sighed, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Ughhh!" I groan loudly, Niall starts up his gaze again. Eghhh.

"I haven't slept in days!" She snapped. I can tell. Without a word, I swung the front door open, notifying Niall to follow. I don't care how rude I am. I just have a bad feeling about him. He soon comes out from the main building, slightly smiling because I know for a fact he has the job. I twirl my purple locks, leaning on the old pickup truck that I assume could be his.

"The door is open." His voice is thick, but small.

I pull on the doors handle, swinging it open, and climb inside. I can't believe a guy who I just met, is taking me to school.

"Are you alright? Is the air cool enough for you?" He asks. I nod. I don't really feel like starting a conversation with him. "Well can you at least tell me the directions?" He groaned.

"Just follow the dirt pathway to get on the main road, and you take a right on the second exit." I say fast. I know I'm being stuborn, but I'm sure I have a reasonable explination...


His lips glided with mine; tongue running all over my body. I clawed at his chest, I begging for it. "Niall," I panted in his ear, nipping at his neck. I tugged on his bleached, strands of hair. I purred like a kitten as he covered ever inch of me in wet, sloppy kisses. When he positioned me in the way he wanted, he entered me. Our moans and groans were soft and pleasuring. His eyes glistens with lust and innocence. He asked how I was doing before thrusting harder, faster, and deeper. I loved the way how he cared more about my feelings than his. Beads of sweat built up on his forehead, once in a while, they would fall and splash onto my breast. His lips curled into a grin as he got me to turn up the volume of my moaning. He lowered into me, his arms weakened, he was just about to release.
He moaned my name at every thrust, "Nevaeh, Nevaeh, Nevaeh..."

"Nevaeh!" A different voice yelled, waking me. My eyes opened to their maximum width. Oh my god. Ms. Higgins, shook me rapidly. "That's enough! Why even show up to class just so you can sleep in it?" She lectured me, as kids stared and snickered. The only two who hadn't was my best friend, Carter. And my long term crush, Jason. Carter shook her head in disproval, probably this is the 5th time falling deeply asleep in algebra. But this time it was different, I dreamt of someone who I don't have a care in the world for. And not only that, I had a dream of having sex with him.

What the fuck is wrong with me?


(A/N)- I'll publish more chapters soon.

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