Chapter 35

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  Everyone is getting ready for the upcoming school festival with teachers encouraging their students to win.Every time the school fest is held there's always a competition between classes to which is better with teachers boasting othat their advisory class ismuch better resulting to bets behind the principal's back. 

"Today's Festival is just another normal day so do your best and kick their butts!" Their class adviser said.

 "Talk about competitiveness" Jihyo mused. 

"Oh and if you guys get the most votes I'll treat all of you some grilled beefs meat" She followed up causing everyone to celebrate.

 "Yeah with the money we accumulate" Tzuyu said luckily everyone was too busy being happy to hear her.

 "Shush! Tzuyu-ah at least that's better than having none." Sana said to her. 

"Okay everyone enough with the chit chats and let's all get to work! " Jihyo said clapping her hands to catch everyone's attention. 


"Yahhhhhhh!!!!" Momo whines 

"Why do you guys get to wear all the cool stuff while I'm stuck with this mascot!" Momo said clearly disapproving of what's happening since Mina, Tzuyu,Nayeon, Sana, Jihyo and almost all the girls in her class gets to wear suits, they are doing a girl crush concept cafe while she will wear a rilakkumamascot.

 "Sorry Honey... it's our president's order" Nayeon said patting Momo's cheeks. 

"Mina~" Momo whines at the girl whose currently fixing her tie, Mina has her hair tied in a low ponytail, the latter then rolled her sleeves up to her elbowsas she approaches Momo.

 "Damn this girl crush concept do fits her well" 

"What is it?"

 "I wanna wear a suit too" Momo protest but to only received a head shook no from Mina.

"No can do~ You see the writings over the menu, it says free kiss for every five dollar purchase and free hugs for every three dollars, they are more likelyselling us. Anyways I don't want anyone hugging nor kissing you besides me" Mina explained to the pouting Momo.

 "But what about you? They get to kiss and hug you" 

"Sacrifices are to be made honey, now go and wear that thing and do what you always do best" Mina said as she pecks on Momo's lips. 

"Yah! Momo didn't even bought a single thing??" Sana joked earning a glare from Momo and a chuckle from Mina.When they started to operate many girls flooded their Cafe like classroom, too bad for guys they only serve girls(so much for being gay). 

"What can I get you beautiful girls?" Sana asked flashing a smile and a wink. 

"A tissue for my bloody nose" one of them unconsciously blurted out.

 "Why are you hurt?" Sana asked holding the girls face to see if she's hurt but immediately got pulled away leaving the girl unconscious. 

"Ouch! What was that for?" Sana asked rubbing her ear to ease the pain from the sudden assault. 

"Just to remind you Ms. Flirtypants we're here to take and serve orders not to flirt and look for a girl to take home." Tzuyu said with her arms crossed andbrows furrowed. She also has her hair in a low ponytail. Hotness alert! 

"I'm offended!I'm just giving the best service a human can give" Sana reasoned out only getting an eye roll from Tzuyu. 

"Whatever" Tzuyu said before leaving to take some orders.

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