ODD LOVE | tom holland

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Y/n is a famous makeup/costume coordinator. Best known for fitting Grant Gustin into his Flash suit and Barry Allen's clothes, Gal Gadot into her Wonder Woman suit, Tom Cruise into his outfits and fighting makeup and Jennifer Lawrence with her Katniss Everdeen attire.

And now, she was in charge of fitting the newest Marvel actor, Tom Holland, for his role as Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man.

She was most excited about this role, because she had been asked to play with the outfit a little more than the other ones.

'Make it unique,' they had told her, days before they were set to meet in Atlanta for Captain America:Civil War.

And that's what she did. She changed the style, made it tighter and more fitted to the body. She added little details in the suit, alongside his new chest piece.

As soon as she had gotten to set, on the first day of Captain America: Civil War, she immediately headed over to the directos, turning in her finished costume before she headed off to makeup.

Every day the same routine, as it became a habit rather than a chore. Soon enough, it was time to leave, as filming was finished, and everyone had gathered at a cast crew's house to watch the raw footage of the movie, where everyone would help pick out little things that didn't go into the movie.

This was her favorite part. Everyone was at their most vulnerable, where they would not only joke around and bond, but they would also share a small part of their contribution. Everything that they put into a year be half of filming was coming together and they felt they were at their most vulnerable.

And then, it was over. She was back to making her own costumes to sell, until her manager had called her.

"Marvel called. They want you back to fit Tom Holland for Spider-Man: Homecoming."

That's how she came to be where she is now. Walking back to set in Atlanta, her jansport backpack sling over her shoulder, converse on her feet and her hair up in a loose ponytail.

Jon, the new director, had welcomed her, a smile on his face as he told her how much he admired her work and her costumes. "The costume details are perfect for this movie!"

They had handed her back the suit, asking her different questions about the details and how to incorporate them into the movie. It was simple. And then, it wasn't.

"We are up for playing with anything at this point. So, hit us with some effects and anything you'd like to change about how it might look on screen."

Her list was long, but it was worth it, because it was approved as soon as the words spilled from her lips.

"I was thinking, for the new spidey symbol on the front, we could do it so whenever he wants to take off the suit, he just pushes the button and it loosens from his body, making it like an oversized suit and it just slips off his body. And whenever he wants to put it on, he presses the button again and it instantly adjusts to his body."

"That's an awesome idea."

"And we could have hidden spidey wings between the elbow and his ribs."


The design was simple, and made for a good easter egg in the movie, since it would connect to the Disney XD show, Ultimate Spider-Man.

That's how her first day went, talking to the directors, and meeting the new cast.

Some people she had been before, since she worked on the set of Captain America: Civil War, and others she met occasionally, when they were doing casting.

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