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Jimin's POV
"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!?" I bellowed into the empty abyss of my house. "WHY ARE YOU SO MESSED UP!?"

My voice cracked. I fell to the floor, feeling myself crumble, completely engulfed in tears.

My life is perfectly fine. Look at Taehyung, his life has absolutely fell to millions of shattered pieces. Jimin, your life is fine but your head is messed up.

I have depression for absolutely no reason and I constantly have thoughts about wanting to die or cut... something like that. I want it all to go away. Pills don't work anymore. What if I just... died?


I held my breath. I felt my hair pull back in the wind. I had left a suicide note at home for someone to find.

I glanced at the cliff edge, just in front of my toes. Below were rocks, sand and the beautiful blue ocean. A cliché way to commit suicide. Though a beautiful scene to view before falling.

I thought about my friends and my parents. I closed my eyes and made a prayer.

Mum and dad. Don't worry about me. Stay strong, happy and safe. See this as my way out of depression. I love you.

Jungkook, you can make it through. Whether it is with Amber or not. Stay strong. Have hope.

Namjoon, I'm sure your parents will one day realise how much you need them. Keep hope and don't let go of it. Take good care of Jin.

Seokjin, one day you will get out of that awful house. You will make it through. Your sister is in a better place now, she wouldn't want you to dwell on her loss. Stay close to Namjoon.

Taehyung, you're so strong to have made it this far and I envy that. Don't lose that strength. Find happiness. It will come for you.

Hoseok, I'm so glad you found a way out of your crisis. Good luck, with everything. I know you and Yoongi have a thing going on so stay close to him, he needs you.

Yoongi, one day your parents will come to realise that they must be strong for you. I would say that someday you would find a love of your own but you already have one. Stay close with Hobi. Good luck with everything.

Without opening my eyes.

With a breath of wind.

With the last bit of energy I had left in me...

I made a step.

It's over.

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