Interview with @AdrienneC147

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Interview with @AdrienneC147


What is your username?

A. AdrienneC147

When did you start writing lgbt stories? why do you write them?

A. Come to think of it, I've always had characters in my stories who were part of the LGBT community, but I began making them a main focus only last year. As for why I write them? They're real. They're the stories a lot of people, especially struggling hormonal teens, can relate to. LGBT stories aren't seen as a huge thing, but they should be because there are so many people who connect with them. Stories can change people's lives. I guess that's why I write; because I want to be able to say my words gave someone the courage to be themselves and not hide from who they are anymore.

What can you tell us about the current story you’re working on? Tell us a little about the plot and the characters in it?

A. I'm currently working on Lost & Insecure which mainly focuses on two girls, Katie and Dana. Dana, along with her mom and her cousin, Eddie, move to a new town in order to move on from their past. Dana is out and proud and very blunt and she catches the eye Katie, her polar opposite. Katie is more of a princess who puts on a mask for the world and she finds herself drawn to Dana for some reason.

Why do you think the readers should read your story (mention the factors which will be appealing to the readers)?

A. Well, it's real. The characters are all realistic and their issues are real problems that teenagers face. To me, I'm drawn to stories I can connect to and, not to be biased, but I think Lost & Insecure has a solid chance of doing just that with many readers.

Which is your favorite character, in the current story you are working on?

A. Oh gosh, there are a lot of characters I've grown to love. If I had to choose, I guess I'd say Eddie. He's adorable and is kind of the comedic relief at needed times.

Which do you like writing more (boyxboy or girlxgirl or both)? Why?

A. Considering Lost & Insecure is my first full blown LGBT book, I like writing girlxgirl more? I don't know. I'm a girl, so I can (sort of) relate to girls. Writing about lesbians comes easier I guess you could say.

Can you tell us about your other stories, any two other stories that you are working on?

A. Well currently I'm really pushing myself to work on and finish Lost & Insecure, but after that I have a couple story ideas I might be interested in writing. One is about a girl named Dani who's completely ordinary and invisible and thinks she's irrelevant and average until she meets Maddie, who shows Dani that she can make her life extraordinary.

Do you offer critiques to other users? If you have offered a critique, mention that story?

A. If anybody was looking for one than I would gladly help, but I'm not a pro at it or anything.

Do you write for yourself or for the readers?

A. I'd like to think I do both, but I mainly do write for myself. Writing started as an escape for me. Life was so eh and unhappy until I found a world I could throw myself into. Now, it's the one thing that keeps me sane.

Describe yourself in ten words.

A. Odd, quirky, goofy, nerdy, awkward, loud yet silent, insane, too-mature-for-my-age (there's hyphens so it counts as one word c: )


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