Interview with @soon_forgotten

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Interview with @soon_forgotten


What is your username?

A. soon_forgotten

When did you start writing lgbt stories? why do you write them?

A. I think in about 2012 when I first joined this site, I'd read a lot of them and thought it might be cool to write my own for fun. I wright lgbt stories mostly because I've found they're easier to write for me, doesn't mean I don't wanna wire a non lgbt but mainly cuz its a bit easier, mainly gxg stuff

What can you tell us about the current story you’re working on? Tell us a little about the plot and the characters in it?

A. Currently I'm working on 3, ideas keep popping up, but mainly Riverside Academy which is up on here. Its about 2 girls with two very different lives but both go to the same private high class school. Spencer is the rich girl whose mischievous and often gets into trouble, that is until she gets sent to this school where she meets Joey who is like the complete opposite. Joey is rather quiet and doesn't talk much other then to her 4 best friends who are all crazy but lovable in their own ways. They, Spencer and joey, kinda help each other trough things and become closer and such

Why do you think the readers should read your story (mention the factors which will be appealing to the readers)?

A. I guess if they're looking for something kinda funny but sweet at the same time. I don't really know honestly. I don't think they should, more if they want to because I'd like for them to enjoy it because they want to rather then read it cuz I said they should haha

Which is your favorite character, in the current story you are working on?

A. Hmm...I like Spencer a lot from Riverside because she remind me of me except not haha she's kinda who I wish I was sometimes, minus the rich part but all those talents and her spunky personality. I'm more or less like Joey, awkward and shy but I don't throw people around haha

Which do you like writing more (boyxboy or girlxgirl or both)? Why?

A. GXG because, I think it's just easier for me? I'm not to good at writing from a males perspective although it wouldn't hurt to try sometime

Can you tell us about your other stories, any two other stories that you are working on?

A. I have a preview of one, one completed and one in the works. The one competed named "the popular girl" is my first and personally I don't like it much but apparently my reads disagree haha Um, then the one with just the preview is called 'Abnormal' and its basically like Percy Jackson except the whole plot line, characters, events, etc are all mine.

Do you offer critiques to other users? If you have offered a critique, mention that story?

A. Uh, well I'm not sure what a critique is so...I can't really say haha

Do you write for yourself or for the readers?

A. I write for myself mainly, I think it's cool people like what I write, I never thought people would honestly. I just put my stuff up because my friend told to. I love to write, its kinda like a way for me to express myself, put in my emotions into it that no one will get because they aren't me. They'll understand from my characters POV and such but for me it holds another meaning. I love being able to write and wish I could type faster since I always have so my ideas flowing in my mind thanks to my over imaginative mind XD

Describe yourself in ten words.

A. Introvert, friendly, lover of the arts, sporty, quirky and queer


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