Chapter 6

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Meiying's pov
"Ying'er wake up. It's already morning."

Xaoi Xin shooked my arm. She took me to bath. It was best morning I ever had.

"Ying'er why are you smiling?"

"Oh, I was thinking how I got to sleep in peaceful." I said with smile.

I asked her since Xiao Xin went quiet suddenly.

"Xin'er, what's wrong?"


"You know you are bad at lying?"

She sighed and said

"I still don't get why emperor would left last night. Don't you upset?"

"No. I was grateful to him for not having my innocence. I want to get up and help me to put on my clothes. Xin'er wrapped a towel around me and took me to dress.

 Xin'er wrapped a towel around me and took me to dress

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While Xin'er helped me dressing, a maid came in and bowed

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While Xin'er helped me dressing, a maid came in and bowed.

"Greeting, Lady Chu Meiying".

"Rise. Is there something you need?"

"My lady, emperor asked me to take you to your new room."

"Ok, please wait for a while. I will finish soon" I said and waiting for Xin'er to finish.

Third person's pov
Meiying and Xaoi Xin followed the maid to new room. As soon as she passed some women she heard their gossips.

"Oh my, is she the one emperor left yesterday?"

"Yeah, I heard she is the 12th princess of Han country. But no one treat her as princess."

"Also her mother has low background. That's why her father must hate her." "Really?"

"The most important thing she need to remember is she will always be concubine. She better not dream about Empress place."

Xiao Xin got pissed when she heard her gossips.

'What do they know about Ying'er? You women who only knew how to gossip and try to get emperor's attention.'

Before she could said to other concubines Meiying grabbed her hand and said

"Xin'er, let's not waste our time and energy on them. I have been familiar with that. Besides they are not worth to quarrel".

Then both of them kept going until they got their new room. The maid stopped at entrance and Meiying looked at the hall named 'Yul'

"This is your hall you will stay. Please excuse me. I have other matters to do"

"You may leave"

The maid bowes and leaves. Meiying and Xaoi Xin went inside and saw the place is in mess. There are many spider webs,dried leaves and dust.

"What in the world happened here? Is this really a place we going to stay?" Xiao Xin asked with shock and anger.

"I think so." Meiying asked with emotionless face.

"How can you stay calm while that stupid emperor gave you this disgusting place?"

"I don't know. But I like this place. It's far from main palace. It was really quiet. Let's start cleaning." Meiying said while she took of her upper clothes.

It was almost evening when Meiying and Xaoi Xin finished cleaning. They took bath and Xaoi Xin left to find meals at palace kitchen. They had meals together and later they went to garden to look at moon while Meiying played flute. The wind carried her beautiful melody to spread all palace.

Ye Hwa's pov
Sigh. The Han emperor sent his daughter to have alliance with me. What a troublesome.

"Your majesty, It's time for you to enter your brial chamber."

My personal eunuch Bojing said.

"Ok. Let's go."

I said and my followers guide me where the princess was.

As soon as I stopped, Bojing made announcement. The maid girl came out and bowed me. I entered and saw the girl in bride costumes sitting on bed.

I grabbed her veil and saw the girl with... emotionless face? What?

Why didn't she blush when she see me unlike others? She gets up and greets me.

"I, Chu Meiying, greet emperor Min Ye Hwa."she said with calm tone.

"Look at me"I ordered.

She looked up and stared into my eyes directly. It really surprise me.

Nobody dare to look at me like that. I regained my composure and said

"Listen carefully. I will only say this once. I don't care if you come here to wed me. I have no interest in you. Don't even think about to become my Empress. You will become concubine just like others. Got it?"

And then I left. To tell truth, I was surprised when she didn't come out and begged me like others not to leave. She is really weird.


"Servant is here"

"Send her to Yul Hall to stay"

"But your majesty that place was-"

"Will you do or not?"

"Servant will"he bowed.

Time skip(in morning)

I was walking in garden with Bojing. Later I spotted Chu Meiying with her maid. She is wearing pale blue robe with printed lotus at the bottom of dress. Her dressing is really simple unlike others.

As I heard some concubines gossiping about her. I thought she will respond like slapping them or fighting. But she didn't do anything and what made me interest is she said they are not worth to quarrel. I saw other concubines become furious for what she said. What a skill to make someone upset with just words.

Time skip(night time)
I was reading scroll at my chamber until i heard beautiful melody.

Flute? Who was playing? Judging from music it must came from far.

"Such a beautiful melody." I whispered. I put down scroll and concentrate on melody. Before the melody end I fell asleep.

Hello, my dear readers. Thank you so so much for reading my novel. Also i thank other readers for adding my novel. Please vote and comment me more.

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