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He stayed there in silence for a few until she opened her eyes and found him sitting there just staring at her.
-" baby, how long have you been here?"
- " long enough to see how sexy and beautiful you are my lady, but it's time to come out!"
He said removing the plug from the tub so the water would go down the drain.
She got out with his help and walked to the shower to rinse her body and as she finished he opened a towel for her and wrapped it around her body.
-" thanks my sweet baby!"
She said to him with a big smile in her face, he returned the smile and grabbed her hand and walked with her to their room.
Once there he grabbed the bottle of her favorite lotion and walked back pulling the towel of her body and dried her up throughly and lotions her body from neck to toes.
She really felt like she was in a five star resort being pamper at a luxury spa.
Once he was done with the lotion, he brushed her hair and put it on a messy bun or he tried, she smiled at him and kissed his cheek.
-" I'll finish in the kitchen while you get dressed baby girl!"
-" ok baby!"
He walked off to finish in the kitchen and she saw the clothes that he had laid out for her, she couldn't understand how could he be so damn sweet and cute.
She got dressed and redid her bun, but she changed the shorts he picked out for another pair a little sexier and shorter.
Once she finished she put some fragrance on and walked out to the room towards the kitchen it smelled so good she thought as she made it to the kitchen and saw him and saw the pretty table that he had set up for them.
-" come on princess it's almost ready so you can take a seat!"
She sat on the table and watch him being so sexy and such a husband material.
-" here you go my lady!"
He placed a place with a nice steak that he cooked for her and veggies and of course some ramen, he refilled her wine glass and sat down with his beautiful wife to enjoy the meal.
She took the first bite and blew her mind.
-" wow baby, this is some good steak thanks so much!"
-" I'm glad you like it precious!"

After a while they finished their meal and took all the plates to the sink.
-" go and sit in the living room while I do the dishes baby girl!"
-" no daddy, let me help you, you already cooked for me and draw my bath, I know you have to be tired too, so I don't mind helping you, so we can finish faster!"
He smiled and nodded, after they finished the dishes, she leaned on the counter and looked at him with lust and lots of desire.
He felt the intensity of her gaze and turned around when he turned around she had sat down on top of the counter and was just staring at him like he was the dessert for tonight.
He walked to where she was sitting at and caressed her cheek and his hand kept going down to her neck and shoulder and both of his hands grabbed both sides of her shirt pulling her down for a heated kiss.
-" can I have my dessert now daddy?"
She said as she parted her legs wider and motioned to him with her 2 fingers in between her legs.
He couldn't help but smile, she was so sexy and cute at the same time it was a killer combo that he couldn't resist.
She had him wrapped around her finger and he could do whatever she wanted him to do all she had to do it was ask.
-" my princess wants her dessert, well daddy will see that she has her desert!"
He put her down from the counter and walked to grab the wine glasses and notice and that she had the wine bottle in her hand and was motioning to him to follow with her index finger.
-" yes ma'am your wishes are my command!"
When they made it to the living room she sat down on the arm of the sofa and waited for him to come to the living room, he was drinking his wine as he walked in the living room and when she saw her sexy husband walking in the living room, she felt the heat instantly hit her core, she drank straight from the bottle trying to cool off a little but the sight of him it just made her even hotter.
-" hmmm, baby girl I got your glass in my hand, you don't have to drink from the bottle, naughty girl!"
-" don't worry daddy, it won't be any left after tonight!"
She said taking another gulp from the bottle.
He smirked at the thought, he took another zip of his glass and walked until he reached her and stood up over her and grabbed the hair of the back of her hair ever so slightly pulling her head back, she gasped at his action and he lower his body until their lips touch letting the wine from his mouth spill inside hers and tiny drop threatened with escape but he caught it with his tongue before it did.
-" hmmm, yummy daddy thanks!"
He looked at her and just snatched her from the couch and threw her over his shoulder and walked to the room and once there, he slammed her body against the bedroom wall.
-" daddy!"
He slapped her cheek slightly and kissed her sliding his tongue inside her mouth looking to taste every part of hers.
She found the buttons of his shirt and began to undo them as their mouths fought for dominance.
-" hmmm, you taste so damn good baby, I want to taste every inch of you!"
He said as he walked pulling her away from the wall and sitting her down on the he floor gingerly.
-" take all your clothes of princess and I'll be right back!"
She did what he was told and heard him walking back to the room.
-" what a good girl my princess is, she sure will get a reward for being such a good girl!"
He said pulling her hair back and latching his lips to her nipple.
-" damn daddy, yesss!!"
She moaned out as he tortured her nipple, he finally let go making a loud pop sound.

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